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Tangs or Surgeonfish are beautiful fish belonging to the Family Acanthuridae. These fish are characterized by the presence of sharp Scalpel shaped Blades (modified scales) at the base of their Tail. In offensive position, these fish erect their Spines in the sideward direction. Fresh Marine offers you various species of Tangs. However, prior to moving to the options available at Fresh Marine, lets have a look at the general characteristics of Tangs.
Compatibility. Tangs are generally peaceful towards other fish, but are aggressive towards other Tangs and Surgeonfish. It is therefore advisable to keep one Tang per tank, with Semi Aggressive or Aggressive fish.
Habit & Habitat. Tangs are found in the Reefs of Indo Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian waters southward to Central Polynesia and westward through Micronesia and Melanesia. Some species are also found in Red Sea and Great Barrier Reef.
Morphology. Tangs are extremely beautiful, brightly colored fish, measuring 5”-16” in aquarium. They are identified by the presence of Spines on its side’s Caudal Peduncle. In some species, these Spines are venomous.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment Tangs are usually large, therefore require large aquarium to swim around freely. Keep ample Live Rocks, Corals, and Caves in your tank, for the Tangs therein to hide and graze Algae upon. Most of the Tangs require vigorous water movement with high Oxygen level in water. Tangs require a temperature range of 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit, the specific gravity of 1.020 to 1.025 and the pH value of 8.1-8.4. Some of the Tangs species are sensitive to water quality and infections therefore, both should be checked regularly, especially the dissolved Ammonia levels in it.
Aquarium Feeding. Tangs are Herbivorous and generally graze upon Algal growth in the aquarium. You can also feed your Tangs with Dried Seaweed, Marine Algae, Mysid Shrimp, Spirulina, Romaine Lettuce, Planktons, etc.
Aquarium Breeding. Its difficult to breed Tangs in captivity.
Care. Tangs are difficult to maintain and require an Expert’s care.
Let us now look at some of the best selling Tangs available at Fresh Marine.
Genus Acanthurus. These Tangs have Oval shaped body with bold markings on it.Achilles Tang (Adult) - Acanthurus achilles - Red-tailed Surgeon or Achilles Surgeonfish.
Atlantic Blue (Juvenile) Tang - Acanthurus coeruleus - Yellow (Juvenile) Coloration Tang - (Juvenile) Atlantic Blue Tang.
Clown Tang - Acanthurus lineatus - Surgeonfish or Lined Surgeonfish.
Convict Tang - Acanthurus triostegus - Hawaii Manini - Hawaiian Tang.
Eiblii/Yellow Mimic Tang - Acanthurus pyroferus - Chocolate Surgeonfish - Mimic Lemon Peel Tang - Mimic Surgeon - Yellow Mimic.
Orange Shoulder Tang - Acanthurus olivaceus - Orangeshoulder Surgeonfish.
Powder Blue Tang - Acanthurus leucosternon - Powder Blue Surgeon Fish.
Powder Brown Tang - Acanthurus japonicus - Powder Brown Surgeon.
Sohal Tang - Acanthurus sohal - Brown Tang.
White Cheek Tang - Acanthurus nigricans - Powder Brown or Gold-Rimmed Surgeon Fish
Mustard Guttatus Tang - Acanthurus guttatus - Mustard Tang.
Genus Paracanthurus. Also called “Palette Surgeonfish,” these Tangs have Palette like markings on the skin.Blue Tang - Paracanthurus hepatus - Palette Surgeonfish - Hepatus Tang - Pacific Blue-Yellow Tail Blue Tang Fish - Yellow Belly Blue Tang - Hippo Tang.
Genus Zebrasoma. Also called as Sailfin Tangs, these Tangs have Disc shaped body.Brown Scopas Tang - Zebrasoma scopas - Brown Tang or Two-Tone Sailfin Tang.
Purple Tang - Zebrasoma xanthurus - Yellowtail - Purple Sailfin Tang.
Sailfin Desjardni Tang - Zebrasoma desjardinii - Red Sea Sailfin Tang.
Sailfin Tang - Zebrasoma veliferum.
Yellow Tang (Hawaii) - Zebrasoma flavescens - Yellow Hawaii Tang - Yellow Sailfin Tang.
Genus Ctenochaetus. These Tangs are also called as “Bristle Tooth” Tangs.Chevron Tang - Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis - Hawaiian Bristletooth - Hawaiian Surgeon fish - Black Surgeonfish.
Yellow Eye Kole Tang - Ctenochaetus strigosus - Striped Bristletooth Tang - Goldring Tang Fish.
Genus Naso. These Tangs have Lyre shape Tail, with a double set of Scalpel shaped fixed Blades on the either sides of Tail.Naso Blonde Tang (Male) - Naso lituratus - Blonde Naso - Naso Tang
Unicorn Tang - Naso unicornis - Bluespine Unicornfish.
Vlamingii Tang - Naso vlamingi - Vlaming's Unicornfish.
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Tangs or Surgeonfish are beautiful fish belonging to the Family Acanthuridae. These fish are characterized by the presence of sharp Scalpel shaped Blades (modified scales) at the base of their Tail. In offensive position, these fish erect their Spines in the sideward direction. Fresh Marine offers you various species of Tangs. However, prior to moving to the options available at Fresh Marine, lets have a look at the general characteristics of Tangs.
Compatibility. Tangs are generally peaceful towards other fish, but are aggressive towards other Tangs and Surgeonfish. It is therefore advisable to keep one Tang per tank, with Semi Aggressive or Aggressive fish.
Let us now look at some of the best selling Tangs available at Fresh Marine.
Genus Acanthurus. These Tangs have Oval shaped body with bold markings on it.
Genus Paracanthurus. Also called “Palette Surgeonfish,” these Tangs have Palette like markings on the skin.
Genus Zebrasoma. Also called as Sailfin Tangs, these Tangs have Disc shaped body.
Genus Ctenochaetus. These Tangs are also called as “Bristle Tooth” Tangs.
Genus Naso. These Tangs have Lyre shape Tail, with a double set of Scalpel shaped fixed Blades on the either sides of Tail.
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