Lavender Tang - Acanthurus nigrofuscus - Brown Tang

Medium 3" - 4"
Large 4" - 5"

The Lavender Tang, also known as the Spot-Cheeked Surgeonfish, travels in large schools on the reefs of the Central Pacific. This beautiful fish is colored in tones of lavender and tan, and has multiple orange spots on the face. The orange spots give away to many small black spots covering the rest of the body, and the tail is forked.
A 125 gallon aquarium or larger is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room. Live rock is preferred by this species for grazing, and will provide plenty of structure for hiding places and territories. It is aggressive toward other Tangs and Surgeonfish, but peaceful with other fish.
Although Tangs will eat meaty foods along with the other fish in the aquarium, it is important that they are offered plenty of marine based seaweed and algae. This will strengthen their immune system, reduce aggression and improve their overall health. Offer dried seaweed tied to a rock or use a veggie clip, and feed at least 3 times per week. Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad and Ocean Nutrition are all ideal products and are very easy to use.

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