Yellow Eye Kole Tang - Ctenochaetus strigosus - Striped Bristletooth Tang - Goldring Tang Fish

Medium 3" - 4"
Large 5" - 6"

Yellow Eye Kole Tang - Ctenochaetus strigosus: The Yellow Eye Kole Tang which is also known as Goldring Bristletooth, Kole's Tang, Yellow Eye Tang, Yelloweye Tang, Goldring Surgeonfish, Yelloweye Tang and Yelloweye Surgeonfish. The Yellow Eye Kole Tang belongs to the same genus as the Chevron tang. These active species are also called as "bristle tooth" tangs because they feed on the micro algae that grow in the aquarium.
The Yellow Eye Kole Tang usually has colourful oval body and its body color changes as it matures. With course of time, the yellow-gold tan color with spots and stripes of the young Yellow Eye Kole Tang fades away .A fully matured fish of this species has its color ranging from dark blue to burgundy. Appearance of spots and stripes on its colorful slender body depends on the place of their origin. The Yellow Eye Kole Tang has a brilliant yellow ring around its eyes which makes it more attractive. Members of this sergeant fish family have long, continuous, dorsal and anal fins and crescent tail fins. The Yellow Eye Kole Tang uses its sharp scalpel at the base of their tailfin to escape from the predators. This unique mode of attacking its enemy makes an easy entry to Surgeon fish family.
Generally, these peace loving Yellow Eye Kole Tang are community friendly and are in high demand when compared to its counterparts in the same family. But sometimes this hardy fish becomes territorial even in the presence of another tang fish. These varieties are easy to maintain and does not require large space. They are excellent reef tank inhabitants. The Yellow Eye Kole Tang requires very vigorous water movement and high oxygen level. Live rocks when provided in the aquarium not only help the fish to hide but also these “bristle tooth" tangs would be happy to feed on them. Ample swimming space, good quality water and healthy food supplements are the basic requirements of an ideal tank.
Maximum Size: The Yellow Eye Kole Tang grows up to 7 inches
General Size Specifications: A small sized Yellow Eye Kole Tang usually comes in the size of 2-3 inches, medium variety about 5 inches and the larger ones reaching about 7 inches
Minimum Tank Size: The Yellow Eye Kole Tang prefers a tank of at least 100 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Habitat: Range: Nature Hawaiian Islands
Feeding and Diet: The Yellow Eye Kole Tang is a herbivore and likes to eat Dried Seaweed (best), marine algae, mysid shrimp, Spirulina, Romaine Lettuce (blanched), fresh seaweed, and other meaty treats.

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