Talbot's Damsel Fish - Chrysiptera talboti - Talbot's Demoiselle Damselfish

Talbot's Damsel Fish - Chrysiptera talboti: The Talbot’s Damselfish also known as Talbot,s Demoiselle is an attractive fish having yellow and grey colouration. The front part of the fish is yellowish while tailender is grayish. It has one black spot at one of its fins. This is marked as world’s most best reef damsel. TheTalbot's Damselfish is a low maintenance fish. The Talbot's Damselfish may act aggressively toward other fish. It need adequate hiding places to avoid other aggressive marines.
What makes Talbot's Damselfish stand out amongst the more than 325 described species of Pomacentrids (the family of Damselfishes) are several outstanding characteristics. It's small size (a giant one attains two inches overall length), easygoing disposition (not mean in the least), it's ease of being trained to take any, all prepared, frozen/defrosted foods of small size, the fish's lack of predation on sessile invertebrates, its inherent toughness/resistance to disease, damage through the supply side, oh, and Talbot's beauty , behavior and grace of movement.
Of the more than three hundred described species of Pomacentrids, Talbot's Damselfish ranks supreme for peaceful marine aquarium, reef system use. It's good looking, disease-resistant, interesting behaviorally... and not rare or hard to catch in its geographic range.
In the wild, the Talbot’s Damselfish is omnipresent on the world's tropical and sub-tropical reefs, providing feisty opportunities for underwater photographers, and a large part of food-webbing between zooplankton and benthic algae and larger fishes and invertebrates.
For aquarists, many of the Damsels function as beginner marine aquarium specimens, often mis-used due to their overall toughness, for "breaking-in" or establishing nutrient cycling in new marine systems. Damsel use is well-warranted considering their diversity, beauty and tolerance of chemical and physical conditions, general gregariousness when crowded and general compatibility with fishes and invertebrates. However, some damsels re special settings, getting too big, or being just overtly over-aggressive. Once again, Talbot's Damselfish has all the good traits to be found in the family, and none of the bad.
For Talbot's Damselfish, temperatures in the low to upper 70's degree F. (72-78) are ideal. They tolerate a wide range of salinities, but are best kept at near seawater specific gravity (1.025) conditions
Any amount of light, dim to bright, is okay with this species. Natural or synthetic water makes no difference in terms of vitality or reproduction in captivity. A pH of 8.2 to 8.4 is favored; no ammonia, nitrite and as low a concentration of nitrates as practical is the rule as with Talbot’s Damselfish.
General Size Specifications: The Talbot’s Damselfish grows up to 3 inches.The small size will come to you generally 1 to 3 inches; the medium generally 1 to 3 inches; the large generally 1 to 3 inches.
Habitat: This Talbot’s Damselfish specie is found in Indo-Pacific ocean.
Minimum Tank Size: The Talbot's Damselfish prefers a tank of at least 20 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.
Feeding and Diet: The Talbot's Damselfish is a omnivore and likes to eat variety of foods (meats & veggies). Some Talbot's Damselfish are specialized planktivores to herbivores in the wild. In the wild Chrysiptera talboti feeds on zooplankton. The Talbot Damsels accept all foods greedily. Frequent small feedings 2-3 times per day of a mix of foods sustains them well. Nutritional diseases are all but unknown in their family.

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