3-Stripe Damsel Fish - Dascyllus aruanus - 3-Striped Humbug Damselfish

The 3- Striped Damselfish, also known as the White-tailed Damselfish, or Humbug Dascyllus, is a popular fish. Three bold black bands are separated by two white bands with a smaller bar of white to offset the tail.
The 3-Striped Damselfish make great beginner fish for an aquarium, but be sure that as they grow each one has it's own rock cave or a coral. This is because young species of Dascyllus in the ocean will often live in a comensal relationship with anemones. As they mature, however, they will abandon the anemone and move to corals.
Maintenance difficulty: A 30 gallon or larger aquarium is suitable with plenty of hiding places for the 3-striped Damselfish to survive. Due to its aggressive behavior as an adult, it will do well with other moderately aggressive fish in a community tank. It will not harm invertebrates or disturb the tank setting.
Most of the 3-Striped Damselfish stay in small shoals in the wild when young, breaking away from the group as they grow, and eventually become solitary as adults. When exposed with several Damsels in one aquarium, plenty of rockwork and hiding places are necessary in order minimize quarrels among them.
Feeding and Diet: The 3-Striped Damselfish need a diet of meaty items, herbivore preparations, and flaked foods. This fish will readily eat all kinds of live, frozen, and flake foods and algae. It is best to feed small amounts several times a day. In a reef situation they don't really need to be fed very often at all.
General Size Specifications: The 3-Striped Damselfish can be found at depths up to 12 meters and can grow upto 6.5cm. It associates itself with branching corals on inshore and lagoon reefs.
Minimum Tank Size: The 3-Striped Damselfish require a minimum tank size of 10 gallon if this is the only fish to be kept in. Like all damselfish, the 3-Striped Damselfish can be territorial and aggressive, especially as they get older. These can be kept with other larger fish but watch them closely to be sure their aggression doesn't become destructive.
Habitat: The 3-Stripe Damselfish, Humbug Dascyllus, or White-tailed Damselfish are found all over the Indo-West Pacific from eastern Africa and the Red Sea to the central and western Pacific as far north as southern Japan and south to Tuamotu islands.

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