South Seas Devil Damsel Fish - Chrysiptera taupou - Blue Fiji Devil - Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish

The Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish, also known as the South Seas Devil Damselfish or Village Belle, is blue with a yellow belly. The Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish is a very hardy fish and have attractive personality. It is aggressive and should not be mixed with its own species or passive fish. It does better with larger fish in tanks 30 gallons or larger.
The Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish are known to eat algae on occasion, but supplementing algae in not necessary, as they eat only small amounts. Keep only one per tank, unless in a large tank or in male/female pairs. It is agressive towards other Damsels, and should not be kept with peaceful or docile fish, as they can be very beligerent towards it tank mates. Adult females can be identified by yellow tips on the spine tipped dorsal fins.
The Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish are known for their ferocious and territorial behavior. These fishes can defend a territory up to 16 feet across. The territory usually includes feeding and spawning sites and a shelter for protection from predators. A Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish defends its territory against fish that compete for similar environments, such as butterfly fish and surgeon fish, even if they are much larger. But it generally ignores less competitive species like bass and groupers. Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish stay close to the coral reef, often darting into dark crevices to hide from predators. These fishes can remain in the same colony for upto two years.
The Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish is remarked as a very nice specie to the reef aquariums. The Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish, South Seas Devil Damselfish, or Village Belle, as it is also known, is ideal for a reef aquarium. They are territorial fish, so require a tank with plenty of hiding places. The tank conditions are temperature kept between 72 and 83 degree Fahrenheit, specific gravity ranging between 1.021 and 1.025 and pH between 8.2 and 8.4.
General Size Specifications: The Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish can grow upto 3 inches in typical conditions. The small sizes that come to you are 1 to 3 inches, medium sizes are 1 to 3 inches and large sizes are 1 to 3 inches.
Habitat: The Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish are the native of southern Pacific Ocean.
Minimum Tank Size: The Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish will do well in a 30 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of region to hide and swim. It is aggressive toward other fish as they get older and are adviced to kept alone or with a opposite mate in a fish tank. As such it is not suited for peaceful community tank. The tank used should have the coral and rock plants so that these can hide and swim.
Feeding and Diet: The Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish diet should consist of a variety of meaty foods, including brine shrimp and mysid shrimp, frozen herbivore preparations and flakes. Vitamin-enriched foods will help to keep their colouration bright.

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