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Gobies belong to a large Order of fishes, called Perciformes, with over 2000 species of varying sizes, right from the smallest to some of the largest. Gobies are used as food by human beings as well as they serve as bait for some of the important, commercial fish such as, Flat Fish and Sea Bass. Fresh Marine offers several species of Gobies for your aquarium. However, prior to skimming through them, lets have an idea about some of the key fundamentals of Gobies.
Compatibility. Most of the pet species of Gobies are small and are peaceful to semi aggressive by nature. They make good additions for a Marine Aquarium of Reef type as well as the Fish Only type with peaceful inmates.
Habit & Habitat. Gobies are salt-tolerant and are found in both, Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems of usually Indo-Pacific Region. In Marine Habitat, they are found in groups or pairs in shallow regions such as, Tide Pools, Coral Reefs, Reef Flats, and Seagrass Meadows.
Morphology. Most of the Gobies are small, usually 10cm. The unique part about their morphology is their fused Pelvic Fins, forming a disc shaped Sucker. This Sucker enables them to attach themselves to Aquarium Glass or Rocks and Wood.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Gobies require a Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025, a pH of 8.1-8.4, and a Temperature of 72-78°F, in a dimly lit tank. Keep ample Rocks, Caves, and Overhangs for the Gobies to hide themselves. Owing to Gobies being Benthic Dwellers, make sure to provide ample Sandy Substrate or Coral Rubble in the tank.
Aquarium Feeding. The primary diet of Gobies includes Mollusks, Crustaceans, Worms, Fish Eggs, Small Fish, Brine Shrimp, Mysid Shrimp, Amphipods, and Insect Larvae. In aquarium, Gobies prefer Live or Frozen Foods rather than Flakes.
Care. Gobies are low maintenance fish however, only the Experts should handle them.
Lets have a look at some of the best selling Gobies available at Fresh Marine:
Family – Gobiidae.Banded Goby (Amblygobius phalaena). Also known as Brownbarred and Sleeper Banded Goby, these Gobies have White and Pale Yellow colored body with conspicuous and typical 5 White edged Gray Body Bars & Black Spot on the first Dorsal Fin. Growing up to a maximum length of 15cms, these Gobies require a minimum tank of 20Gallons.
Other Gobies.
Catalina Goby - Lythrypnus dalli - Catalina Goby - Bluebanded Goby.
Citron Clown Goby - Gobiodon citrinus.
Clown Goby - Gobiodon okinawae.
Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris magnifica - Brownbarred Goby.
Golden Head Sleeper – Sleeper Gold Head Goby - Valenciennea strigata - Yellowheaded Sleeper - Blueband Goby.
Green Clown Goby - Gobiodon atrangulatus - Earspot Coral Goby.
Helfrich's Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris helfrichi - Pink Dartfish Goby.
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby - Stonogobiops nematodes - Yellow Rose Goby - Blackray Shrimp Goby.
Ladder Glider Gobies - Sleeper Blue Dot Goby - Valenciennea sexguttata - Sixspot Sleeper Goby.
Neon Goby - Gobiosoma oceanops - Neon Blue Goby.
Orange Diamond Goby - Valenciennea puellaris - Watchman Daimond Goby - Maiden Goby - Orangespotted Sleeper Goby.
Orangespotted Shrimp Goby - Amblyeleotris guttata - Orange Spotted.
Purple Firefish Goby - Nemateleotris decora - Purple Dartfish - Decorated Darfish - Flame Firefish.
Rainford's Goby - Amblygobius rainfordi - Old Glory - Rainfordi's Goby.
Scissortail Goby - Ptereleotris evides - Scissor-Tail Goby - Blackfin Dartfish.
Randal's Goby - Orange Stripe Prawn Goby - Amblyeleotris randalli.
Spotted Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus leptocephalus - Blue Spot Watchman Goby - Pinkspotted Shrimp Goby.
Two Spot Goby - Signigobius biocellatus - Twinspot - Crabeye - 4-Wheel Drive Goby.
Yasha Hase Shrimp Goby - Stonogobiops species - Candy Stripe Goby - Whiteray Shrimp Goby.
Yellowhead Caribbean Jawfish Goby - Opistognathus aurifons - Yellowhead Jawfish Goby.
Yellow Watchman Goby - Cryptocentrus cinctus -Yellow Shrimp Goby - Watchman Gold.
Red Headed Goby - Gobiosoma puncticulatus - RedHeaded Gobies.
Family – Microdesmidae.Bar Goby (Ptereleotris zebra). Also referred to as Dartfish, Zebra Dartfish, Barred Dartfish, and Zebra Dart Goby, these Gobies are Light Green in color with Pink Bar on their Body, Blue lines on the Head increases, and a Pink Botch on the Gills. Growing up to 4” in length, these Gobies require a tank of 20 Gallons capacity. Bar Gobies are Jumpers so, better keep the tank covered.
Family – Opistognathidae.Black Cap Jawfish (Opistognathus lonchurus). Also known as Moustache Jawfish, these Gobies are Mouthbrooders (eggs hatch in their mouths) and have a unique quality of constructing burrows in Sandy Substrate. Black Cap Jawfish hide themselves in these Tunnels whenever there is any sign of danger. Growing up to 4”, these Gobies require a minimum tank size of 20Gallons.
Other Gobies.
Blue Spot Jawfish Goby - Opistognathus rosenblatti - Bluespotted Jawfish Goby - Blue Dot Jawfish.
Family – Malacanthidae.Blue Jaw Tilefish Goby (Hoplolatilus starcki). Also known as the Starck's Tilefish, Blueface Tilefish, Blue Tilefish, and Blue Jaw Tilefish, these Gobies have a Pale Yellow Body with a Blue Head. Growing up to 4”, these Gobies require a minimum of 30Gallons tank. Blue Jaw Gobies are Jumpers so keep your tank covered.
Other Gobies.
Purple Tilefish Goby - Hoplolatilus purpureus.
Family – Pholidichthyidae.Engineer Goby - Pholidichthys leucotaenia - Engineer Blenny - Engineer Goby - Convict Blenny.
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Gobies belong to a large Order of fishes, called Perciformes, with over 2000 species of varying sizes, right from the smallest to some of the largest. Gobies are used as food by human beings as well as they serve as bait for some of the important, commercial fish such as, Flat Fish and Sea Bass. Fresh Marine offers several species of Gobies for your aquarium. However, prior to skimming through them, lets have an idea about some of the key fundamentals of Gobies.
Compatibility. Most of the pet species of Gobies are small and are peaceful to semi aggressive by nature. They make good additions for a Marine Aquarium of Reef type as well as the Fish Only type with peaceful inmates.
Lets have a look at some of the best selling Gobies available at Fresh Marine:
Family – Gobiidae.
Family – Microdesmidae.
Family – Opistognathidae.
Family – Malacanthidae.
Family – Pholidichthyidae.
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