Blue & Gold Damsel Fish - Pomacentrus coelestis - Electric Blue - Neon Damselfish

The Blue and Gold Damselfish is two-tone in color with electric blue primarily on the top portion and bright yellow on the bottom and posterior such it is also known as Electric Blue fish There is a considerable species variation in the amount of yellow on the body of the fish.
The Blue and Gold Damselfish can grow upto 4 inches. The small size will come to you generally 1 to 3 inches; the medium generally 1 to 3 inches; the large generally 1 to 3 inches.
The Blue and Gold Damsel has a long-based spiny dorsal fin, followed by a high, short-based soft-rayed portion. It has a blue body and a bright yellow tail. The dorsal and anal fins contain variable amounts of yellow. In sunlight the Blue Damsel can appear iridescent. The Juvenile and adult Blue and Gold Damselfish are similarly coloured. Both are sometimes called Neon Damsels because of their bright colours.
The Blue and Gold Damselfish is favourite damsel of reef hobbyists. It will spend most of the time peering from holes and crevices, especially in well illuminated tanks.The Blue and Gold Damselfish is a low maintenance fish. The water conditions required for its survival are specific gravity between 1.020 and 1.025, pH ranging from 8.1 to 8.4 and temperature ranging between 72 and 78 degree Fahrenheit.
Habitat: The Blue and Gold Damsel is a widespread tropical species that occurs in marine waters throughout the western and central Pacific. In Australia it is known from south-western Western Australia, north throughout tropical waters and south to Sydney. In the tropics it lives in zones of rubble and open substrate on coral reef margins. In more temperate waters it is found on rocky reefs.
Minimum Tank Size: The Blue and Gold Damsel prefers a tank size of at least 30 gallons with plenty of places to hide and swim. These fishes should be kept alone. If to be kept with other fishes a community tank is required. The Blue and Gold Damsel may act aggressively toward other fish breeds.
Feeding and Diet: The Blue and Gold Damsel fish will readily eat all kinds of live, frozen, and flake foods and algae. Finely chopped meaty foods (like brine shrimp) can be fed regularly. It is best to feed small amounts several times a day. In a reef situation they don't really need to be fed very often at all.

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