Yellow and White Feather Duster - Sabella species

Yellow and White Feather Duster - Sabella species Taxonomy: Yellow and White Feather Duster belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Annelida, Class Polychaeta, Order Sabellida, Family Sabellidae and Genus Sabella.
Scientific names: The scientific name of Yellow and White Feather Duster is the Sabella species.
Other common names: Yellow and White Feather Duster is also commonly known as Yellow and White Feather Duster Worm and Yellow and White Fanworm.
Origin or natural range: The Sabella species is found in the tropical areas of the Indo-Pacific region, Singapore, Carribbean.
Size: Yellow and White Feather Duster may grow up to a size of seven inches.
Color: The Sabella species occurs in silver, purple, pink, tan, white, brown, cream and black.
Compatibility: Yellow and White Feather Duster is non-aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat:
- The Sabella species is non-poisonous in nature.
- When disturbed, Yellow and White Feather Duster withdraws itself into its body tube along with the crown.
- The Sabella species may go to an extent of even shedding its crown when disturbed too much.
- The crown of Yellow and White Feather Duster is composed of numerous feathers or gills which are actually modified tentacles and are called radioles. Each radiole has feathery branches called as pinnules and the pinnules have numerous cilia covering it.
- The shape of crown of Yellow and White Feather Duster resembles to that of a Japanese hand fan and generally has the bands of yellow and white colors. The crown of the Sabella species may measure approximately seven inches in diameter.
- The mouth of Yellow and White Feather Duster is located at the center of its crown.
- The segmented soft body of the Sabella species is covered by a flexible and leathery tube which is secreted by the worm itself. The tube is longer than the worm. When Yellow and White Feather Duster is disturbed, it withdraws its body and its crown into the tube.
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Illumination: Yellow and White Feather Duster requires light in the marine aquarium it inhabits.
- Habit & habitat:
- To host the Sabella species, you should have a well established reef type marine aquarium with sand or rubble at its bottom so that Yellow and White Feather Duster may partially burrow itself into it.
- Keep the Sabella species with peaceful tank mates in order not to disturb it.
- Yellow and White Feather Duster is Planktivorous in feeding habit and filter feeds upon microscopic zooplankton and phytoplankton.
- When it needs to eat, the Sabella species spreads its crown to catch its prey. Once caught, the food is directed towards the mouth of Yellow and White Feather Duster.
- Yellow and White Feather Duster is difficult to maintain.
- High levels of Copper and Nitrates in the water may be detrimental to the health of the Sabella species.
- A sudden fluctuation in the lighting of your marine aquarium may cause Yellow and White Feather Duster to withdraw itself completely into its tube.
- If the Sabella species sheds its crown in your marine aquarium then immediately clean your tank off the shed gills. If left unattended, the dropped gills may contaminate the water.
- An overcrowding of Yellow and White Feather Duster into your marine aquarium may deprive the other filter feeders off their food as the worm will quickly consume everything edible available in your reef tank.

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