Coco Worm - Sabellastarte magnifica - Pink and White Coco Worm - Hard Tubeworm Pink

Taxonomy: Coco Worm (Pink) belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Annelida, Class Polychaeta, Family Sabellidae, Genus Serpulidae and Species magnifica.
Scientific names: The scientific name of Coco Worm (Pink) is Sabellastarte magnifica.
Other common names: Coco Worm (Pink) is also known as Pink Coco Worm, Hard Tube Feather Duster, Protula Tubeworm, Hard Tubeworm, Feather Duster Worm, Banded Fanworm and Hard Tubeworm Pink.
Origin or natural range: Sabellastarte magnifica originates from the Indo-Pacific region and Caribbean.
Size: Coco Worm (Pink) may grow up to a size of around five inches.
Color: Sabellastarte magnifica occurs in red and pink colors with yellow colored stripes on its body.
Compatibility: Coco Worm (Pink) is non-aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat:
- Sabellastarte magnifica hooks its calcareous tube in the crevice of rocks, reefs, sand or gravel on reef slopes.
- Coco Worm (Pink) retracts its crown and closes its tube by shutting the operculum, when disturbed.
- Sabellastarte magnifica may even shed its feathery crown if the worm is disturbed. The crown may re grow after some time.
- Coco Worm (Pink) has a feathery, bilobed crown in red, pink, white, orange or yellow colors. The crown of old Coco Worm (Pink) is like a spiral.
- Sabellastarte magnifica secretes a Calcareous tube in which it keeps its soft body. The tube is five to eight inches long and 0.5 inch wide.
- Temperature of water: The marine aquarium hosting Sabellastarte magnifica in it requires a temperature range of seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: The specific gravity of water in the reef tank should be regulated between 1.023 and 1.025.
- pH of water: The pH value of water should scale in the range of 8.10 to 8.40.
- Water flow in the aquarium: Coco Worm (Pink) needs moderate water flow in the marine aquarium hosting it.
- Illumination: Sabellastarte magnifica requires light in the marine aquarium it inhabits.
- Habit & habitat:
- To host Coco Worm (Pink), you should have an already established reef type marine aquarium with rock, sand and gravel in it.
- It’s difficult to maintain Coco Worm (Pink) in a reef tank having aquarium filter fitted.
- Burrow the tube of Coco Worm (Pink) into the sand or rock crevice in your marine aquarium, with the crown protruding out. If the crown of Coco Worm (Pink) is retracted, then place the worm on the sand bed to allow Sabellastarte magnifica to open up properly. Once the crown is open, you may hook Coco Worm (Pink) as mentioned above.
- Feeding & Nutrition:
- Sabellastarte magnifica is Planktivorous in feeding habit and filter feeds upon microscopic phytoplankton and zooplankton.
- When its time to feed, Coco Worm (Pink) extends its fan to capture prey. The radioles or feathers of Coco worm (Pink) help filter the food from the water current.
- Add Calcium and liquid organic foods as dietary supplements for Sabellastarte magnifica.
- Sabellastarte magnifica is easy to maintain owing to its non-poisonous nature.
- High levels of Nitrates and Copper in your marine aquarium’s water may be detrimental to the health of Coco Worm (Pink).
- Proper Calcium level, water quality and pH value must be maintained in your aquarium’s water having Sabellastarte magnifica.
- If stressed, Coco Worm (Pink) may shed its feathery crown, shed its tube and may die eventually. Therefore, be very particular about the environmental specifications for the worm.

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