Splendid Dotty back fish - Pseudochromis splendens - Allen's Dottyback Fish

The Splendid Dotty back is also known as Splendid Pseudochromis. It is well suitable for a reef aquarium but it will eat small crustaceans. The Splendid Dotty back is usually aggressive towards any small, more docile fish. So, it would be advisable to keep in a tank filled with larger, semi-aggressive species. The Splendid Dotty back is quite easy to maintain this fish.
The Splendid Dotty back is a hermaphrodite so, if they are introduced at the same time, they can be housed as a pair. But the tank should be large with plenty of live rock, so that it can hide in it. The Splendid Dotty back has the tendency to jump out of the tank, so the tank should be covered at all times ensuring its safety.
The males will be slightly larger than their female counterparts and have brighter colouration than females. The Splendid Dotty back follows the spawning mode for reproduction. The male counterpart has the ability to find a suitable cave for spawning and after finding a suitable place, it would attract his mate into the cave for the process of spawning. The female lays the eggs, the male fertilizes them. And then, the male will chase the female out of the cave and protect his brood. The eggs usually hatch between three to five days and are extremely small in size.
The Splendid Dotty back usually roams around in lagoons or along reef drop-offs near corals and sponges. Wild specimens are very rare to see as their distribution range is small. The Splendid Dotty back is mostly captive bred.
Maximum Size: The Splendid Dotty back grows up to 3 inches.
General Size Specifications: This fish will come to you generally around 2 inches.
Minimum Tank Size: The Splendid Dotty back prefers a tank of at least 30 gallons. Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Habitat: Range: Indo-Pacific
Feeding and Diet: The Splendid Dotty back is a carnivore. The diet primarily consists of meaty foods. The Splendid Dotty back feeds mainly on zooplankton and small crustaceans. It can even adapt to frozen foods such as mysids, Brine shrimp, krill, and plankton. Vitamin-enriched foods will help to keep their coloration bright.

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