Fridmani Dotty back Fish - Pseudochromis fridmani - Orchid Dottyback - Fridman's Dottyback Fish

A common name that’s assigned to the family Pseudochromidae, the Dottybacks span over a total of four sub-families, sixteen genera and more than a hundred species. What the hobbyists mostly deal with are from the genus Pseudochromis; a genus representing the most colorful ones from the family. The Fridmani Dotty back fish is no exception; the species bear some common resemblance with the others within the family and we shall be facing the accounts in the following paragraphs.
The most beautiful among the Dottybacks is the Pseudochromis fridmani; also known as the Orchid dottyback or the Fridmani dotty back fish, it’s the bright violet color that stands as its primary USP, added with a black stripe that runs from the lip over the eye and plunging on the edge of the gill cover. The scales of the Fridmani dotty back fish are also something spectacular; they bear a dark spot at the rear edges of most of the scales that imparts the body of the Fridmani dotty back fish a slightly crosshatched appearance. Like the rest of the family, the Fridmani Dotty back fish are also hermaphrodites and can adopt either male or female characteristics (in this case, the reproductive organs). It’s the larger ones that become the male and quite contrarily, the male Fridmani Dotty back fish becomes the protector and the nurturer of the eggs laid by the female Fridmani Dotty back fish. However, just a word of caution; the Fridmani Dotty back fish became almost extinct till captive breeding resurrected them; it is therefore both an ecological and ethical duty to go for the ones bred in captivity and not caught from the wild.
Maximum Size: The Fridmani Dotty back fish can attain a maximum size of 3 inches.
General Size: Most specimens of the Fridmani Dotty back fish grow up to ¾ of an inch to 1.5 inches.
Minimum Tank Size Suggested: A 20-gallon capacity tank would make a fine abode for the Fridmani Dotty back fish.
Tank Conditions: The Fridmani Dotty back fish demands a home aquarium with plenty of hiding places and somewhat aggressive tank mates like clownfish, damsels, and hawkfish. Dim lighting is a plus, since the Fridmani Dotty back fish originate from depths 60 feet or more and corals should be avoided if possible. The pH level should not vary beyond 8.1 and 8.4, whereas the temperature level should stay between 74°F (22°C) and 82°F (28°C). The specific gravity of the water should be between 1.02 and 1.025, while Carbonate Hardness (dKH) should be kept within 8 - 12°.
Habitat: Found in the Red Sea and adjoining regions.
Feeding and Diet: Small crustaceans and zooplankton fits the bill of the Fridmani Dotty back fish as ideal diet; polychaetes, meat based food and small varieties of fishes also make for them a sumptuous dinner. In the home aquarium, the Fridmani Dotty back fish is fed from the water column.

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