Sea Stalk Gorgonia - Gorgonia species - Sea Rod - Sea Whip - Sea Blade

Sea Stalk Gorgonia is a good pick for the aquarists having intermediate expertise and over. Sea Stalk Gorgonia considerably complements the display of your marine aquarium. It’s better to introduce Sea Stalk Gorgonia in an already established marine aquarium.
Other names: The scientific name of Sea Stalk Gorgonia is Gorgonia species.
Taxonomy: Sea Stalk Gorgonia belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Cnidaria, Class Anthozoa, Order Alcyonacea, Family Gorgoniidae and Genus Gorgonia.
Coral Type: Sea Stalk Gorgonia is a Hard Coral of Gorgonia type.
Origin or natural range: The Gorgonia species originates in the Caribbean Sea.
Size: Sea Stalk Gorgonia being a few feet high is moderate in size as compared to the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Morphology: The Gorgonia species is colonial in nature. Every colony has many polyps and each polyp resembles a sea anemone. Together the colonies impart a tree like branched skeletal structure to Sea Stalk Gorgonia. This branched structure of colonies has a long stalk. The skeleton of Sea Stalk Gorgonia is composed of calcite and a hard protein called Gorgonin which gives it significant tensile strength. In some regions of the sea, Sea Stalk Gorgonia appears together in abundance and form a coral bed. The appearance of Sea Stalk Gorgonia may vary being contingent about the strength of flow, the direction of water current it exists in, its feeding, and the degree of illumination it gets. In the case of inconsistent water movement, Sea Stalk Gorgonia may become bushy.
Compatibility: The Gorgonia species is non-aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Breeding: Sea Stalk Gorgonia breeds easily and rapidly in a marine aquarium. The Gorgonia species can be cultured through asexual reproduction which involves fission. Each resulting fragment is capable of growing into an individual Sea Stalk Gorgonia.
Growth environment in your marine aquarium: Sea Stalk Gorgonia requires the following environmental conditions to be met in your marine aquarium:
- Temperature: The marine aquarium having Sea Stalk Gorgonia should provide a temperature range of seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity: The specific gravity of the water should be maintained between 1.023 and 1.025.
- pH: The pH value of the water in your marine aquarium hosting Sea Stalk Gorgonia should read within the scale of 8.10 to 8.40.
- Illumination: Sea Stalk Gorgonia requires high intensity lighting in the marine aquarium it inhabits.
- Water flow in the aquarium: The Gorgonia species requires strong water current to curb the cyanobacterial growth on its outer surface.
- Marine aquarium habit & habitat: Give enough space to Sea Stalk Gorgonia for its complete spread in your marine aquarium.
- Feeding & Nutrition: Sea Stalk Gorgonia derives its nutrition mainly through photosynthesis, being performed by a photosynthetic alga, zooxanthellae, which lives symbiotically within Sea Stalk Gorgonia. The Gorgonia species is also Carnivorous, that is, it eats baby shrimp brine, meaty bits, acellular marine invertebrates, zooplankton and phytoplankton. Sea Stalk Gorgonia feeds many times per week when it is open.
- Sea Stalk Gorgonia requires moderate care.
- Don’t keep Sea Stalk Gorgonia and flamingo tongue snails of Cyphoma species in the same marine aquarium. The snail feeds upon Sea Stalk Gorgonia.
- Avoid small white frilly sea slugs of Tritonia and Tritoniopsi species and Sea Stalk Gorgonia in the same marine aquarium. The sea slugs may feed upon the Sea Stalk Gorgonia if they happen to form large colonies. In small colonies, however, they may not harm the Sea Stalk Gorgonia much but, may prevent the Gorgonia species from spreading fully.
- Butterfly fishes and some species of angelfishes may also feed upon Sea Stalk Gorgonia by eating its polyps. Therefore, better keep the fishes and Sea Stalk Gorgonia in separate marine aquariums.
- Frequently change the water in your marine aquarium and maintain the strong water current therein else, Sea stalk Gorgonia’s outer surface may develop cyanobacterial growth called as red band and black band infections.

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