Purple Ribbon Gorgonia - Gorgonia species - Sea Rod - Sea Whip - Sea Blade

Purple Ribbon Gorgonia is a must have for the marine aquariums of intermediate experts and onwards. Purple Ribbon Gorgonia looks very beautiful due to the purple shade it imparts to the tank. Also, because of its thin structure, Purple Ribbon Gorgonia moves around the aquarium with the water current. But, it’s best to keep Purple Ribbon Gorgonia in an already established marine aquarium rather than the one that is in the process of setting up. This article briefs you about the various aspects of Purple Ribbon Gorgonia that may be handy vis-à-vis its upkeep in your reef aquarium.
Taxonomy: Purple Ribbon Gorgonia belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Cnidaria, Class Anthozoa, Order Alcyonacea, Family Gorgoniidae and Genus Gorgonia.
Other names: The scientific name of Purple Ribbon Gorgonia is Gorgonia species. The other common names of Purple Ribbon Gorgonia are Purple Gorgonia, Purple Sea Rod, Purple Sea Blade and Purple Sea Whip.
Coral Type: Purple Ribbon Gorgonia is a Hard Coral of Gorgonia type.
Origin or natural range: The Gorgonia species originates from the Caribbean Sea and from the Indo-Pacific region.
Size: Purple Ribbon Gorgonia may vary in size owing to its growth, its spread and its health.
Color: The Gorgonia species occurs in purple, orange, lavender, olive, yellow, tan, brown and gray colors.
Morphology: Purple Ribbon Gorgonia has a rigid and branched structure which is composed of calcite and a hard protein called Gorgonin and therefore the Genus name Gorgonia. The branches of Purple Ribbon Gorgonia are flat and resemble a blade. The brown colored polyps are attached along the edges of Purple Ribbon Gorgonia.
Compatibility: The Gorgonia species is semi-aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat: Purple Ribbon Gorgonia is found in the shallow regions of the Caribbean Sea.
Growth environment in your marine aquarium:
- Temperature: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH: 8.1 to 8.4.
- Illumination: For sound growth, Purple Ribbon Gorgonia requires strong illumination in the marine aquarium it inhabits.
- Water flow in the aquarium: The Gorgonia species needs strong water flow in the marine aquarium as it needs to clean its outer waxy coating frequently.
- Marine aquarium habit & habitat: Purple Ribbon Gorgonia can be placed anywhere in a marine aquarium. You may use underwater epoxy to adhere Purple Ribbon Gorgonia to a live rock. Keep the other corals or anemones in your marine aquarium at a distance from Purple Ribbon Gorgonia. Give enough space to the Gorgonia species so that it can spread itself fully in your reef aquarium as the coral grows rapidly.
- Feeding & Nutrition: Purple Ribbon Gorgonia derives its nutrition chiefly through photosynthesis being performed by a photosynthetic alga, zooxanthellae, living symbiotically within the coral. Purple Ribbon Gorgonia may also filter feed a few times per week, when open. The Gorgonia species feeds upon meaty bits, acellular marine invertebrates, baby shrimp brine, phytoplankton and zooplankton. Add Iodine, Calcium, Strontium and trace elements to the water as dietary supplements for Purple Ribbon Gorgonia.
- Purple Ribbon Gorgonia requires moderate to high care.
- Do not expose Purple Ribbon Gorgonia to open air as it may be detrimental to the coral’s health.
- Keep Purple Ribbon Gorgonia exposed to strong water current so that its outer slimy coating is washed off regularly. If allowed to stay, this coating may severely damage the tissues of Purple Ribbon Gorgonia.

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