Scooter Dragonet Blenny - Synchiropus ocellatus - Scooter Dragonet - Ocellated Dragonet

The Scooter Blenny is actually classed as a Dragonet, which also includes the ever popular Green and Spotted Mandarin Goby. The These fish are more suited to a reef type tank, as they scoot around the liverock, and live sand looking for small Amphipods and Copepods. Males are easily identified by their large dorsal fin which they will display mainly when courting and in territorial disputes. When two males meet, they will often lock lips and fiercely shake each other. Althgough the males will have territorial disputes, it is possible to keep these fish in small groups. Keeping this fish in groups would be suggested in a large tank. Be sure to keep this fish in a well established tank as this fish rarely accepts commercially prepared foods.
A 30 gallon or larger reef aquarium that has live sand substrate, docile inhabitants, and lots of live rock makes the ideal aquarium for the Scooter Blenny. More than one of its species may be kept; if so, it is best to introduce them all to the tank at the same time. The ratio should be 2 or 3 females per male. A 55 gallon or larger aquarium is required if more than one male is to be kept.
Maximum Size: The Scooter Dragonet/ Blenny Grows Up to 3 inches
General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 1-1/2 - 3-1/2 inches not including the caudal fin.
Minimum Tank Size Suggested: The Scooter Dragonet Blenny prefers a tank of at least 30 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.
Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Habitat: The Scooter Dragonet/ Blenny is found near Western Pacific to southern Japan to the Marquesas Islands.
Feeding and Diet: The Scooter Dragonet is a carnivore and likes to eat Live copepods and other small difficult to see plankton size invertebrate life. May be taught to eat prepared foods with time and patience but is very difficult to impossible to do so.

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