Bicolor Blenny - Ecsenius bicolor - Two-Colored Blenny

The Bicolor Blenny lives in crevices on coral reefs.
Three colour forms are known. The two-coloured form, is bright orange posteriorly. The second form is dark brown all over, and the third form has a more complex pattern with a black and a white stripe along the body. All three forms have a curved pinkish marking behind the eye (difficult to see in the image).
The Bicolor Blenny is distributed from the central Indian Ocean to the western Pacific. In Australia it is recorded from the central Western Australian coast to northern New South Wales.
Bicolor Blenny Including the elongated caudal fin, this species can grow to 11cm in length.
Bicolor blennies normally live in holes in rocks in Indo-Pacific coral reefs, making forays out from the safety of their holes to graze on algae using their broad, rasping mouths. This male blenny has taken up residence in the front bulkhead near the upper right corner of the seagrass tank (this and one other bulkhead connects the seagrass tank to an overflow box in the reef tank).
Bicolor blennies are named for their two-tone coloration: dark brown in front, with the rear portion of the body orange.
Note that the bulkhead fitting is thoroughly encrusted with life, including pink coralline algae, Caulerpa sp. (a green macroalgae), and Valonia (a type of green algae producing green bubble-like growths). Several small brittlestars live among these algae. The white and brown banded arm of a small brittlestar of a species that reproduces in the tank is visible sticking downward directly to the right of the blenny (length of arm slightly longer than width of the blenny's eye). Another longer white arm of a different brittlestar is visible at the right edge of the bulkhead extending downward by the glass. This larger species is a bioluminescent brittlestar from the Florida Keys; when harassed at night, the arms of these brittlestars flash with bright green light.
Generally found amid crevices and rocks on the bottom of its environment, the Bicolor Blenny needs a tank of at least 30 gallons with scattered rocks for perching and hiding. Opinions are mixed as to whether the Bicolor Blenny is a peaceful tank member and safe for invertebrates. Some believe the Bicolor Blenny is not safe with other species members and may pick on gobies and firefish. Others say the Bicolor Blenny is a peaceful community fish. Some say the Bicolor Blenny is safe around invertebrates and other sources say it will eat them. The best alternative is probably to combine these groups cautiously.
Maximum Size: The Bicolor Blenny Grows Up to 4 inches
General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 1/4 to 2 inches; the medium generally 2 to 3 inches; the large generally 3 to 4 inches .
Minimum Tank Size Suggested: The Bicolor Blenney prefers a tank of at least 30 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.
Water Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.021-1.023; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Habitat: The Bicolor Blenny is distributed from the central Indian Ocean to the western Pacific. In Australia it is recorded from the central Western Australian coast to northern New South Wales.
Natural Environment: Inhabit coastal lagoons with juveniles found in mangrove/brackish waters
Feeding and Diet: Bicolor Blenny Feed On Vegetable matter, including frozen and dried foods that contain the blue-green algae Spirulina.

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