Midas Blenny - Ecsenius midas - Midas Lyretail Blenny - Persian Blenny

Midas Bleeny is solid yellow, with a beautiful lyre-shaped tail. The Midas Blenny, has always been a very popular fish, especially with reef aquarium hobbyists. It is a beautiful, deep golden-yellow with a shadow of blue under the chin and bright, blue-rimmed eyes.
This Blenny likes to swim in the currents with Anthias in the wild, feeding on Zooplankton, and can be very territorial with others of its own kind, as well as other Blennys. The Midas Blenny though, can be kept in either reef aquaria or a community aquarium with other peaceful fish. Colors of this fish can vary from location, as well as when stressed. When stressed, this fish will turn a light gray in color, and can take a while to return to normal. The Midas Blenny is a very alert fish and requires plenty of holes into which they can retreat to survey the activity around them. Their swimming motion is reminiscent of an eel. Which makes them known for their habit of backing into holes in the rocks.
This blenny will appreciate a minimum tank of 30 gallons or larger with numerous rocks on which to perch. Sometimes, the Midas Blenny will vex small planktivores and has been known to nip at firefish and gobies. Larger tanks are advantageous as many of the Midas Blenny's aggressive behavior traits seem to relate to a confining tank situation.
Unlike most blennies, the Midas Blenny requires a meaty diet including finely chopped crustacean flesh, mysid and vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, along with frozen herbivorous preparations, micro and blue-green algae.
Maximum Size: The Midas Blenny Grows up to 5 inches
General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 1-1/2 - 3-1/2 inches not including the caudal fin.
Minimum Tank Size Suggested: The Midas Blenny prefers a tank of at least 20 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.
Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Habitat: The Midas Blenny is found Near Maldives, Indo-Pacific, Red Sea, Gulf of Aqaba and southeast coast of Africa to Marquesas Islands.
Feeding and Diet: Unlike most blennies, the Midas Blenny requires a meaty diet including finely chopped crustacean flesh, mysid and vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, along with frozen herbivorous preparations, micro and blue-green algae.

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