Red Parrot Fairy Wrasse - Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis - Ruby Head Parrot Wrasse - Redfin Fairy Wrasse

Red Parrot Fairy Wrasse is also known as Blue Head Fairy Wrasse, Yellow-flanked Fairy Wrasse, Purple head parrot, Purple Fairy Wrasse, Red Fairy Wrasse. Red Parrot Fairy Wrasses lives on open hard substrate in the wild and prefers small groups with a single dominating male. These fishes are a great substitute for Anthias as they offer all of the flashy coloration .Red Parrot Fairy Wrasse varies in color considerably ranging from a red and blue, to a deep maroon and deep blue. The variations in color and patterns of this fish vary with the location of its natural habitat, and its mood.
Red parrot Fairy Wrasse is a salt water fish and is found largely in Indian Ocean. The Red parrot Fairy Wrasse is an ideal fish for the reef aquarium adding both bright color and activity. Wrasse of the genus Cirrhilabrus mix well together if they are introduced simultaneously to the tank, and are one of the best groups of fish for a reef aquarium setting. The Red parrot Fairy Wrasse generally gets along well with other small peaceful fishes and it should not be kept with aggressive tank mates. Red Parrot Fairy Wrasses are happiest in schools and are a bright addition to any peaceful system
The Red parrot Fairy Wrasse is suitable for an aquarist who is at least moderately experienced. It is easy to manage and take care of. The Red Parrot Fairy Wrasse is a medium maintenance fish. The Red parrot Fairy Wrasse needs a tank with a sand bed as this is where it hides when frightened and burrows for sleep at night. The normal requirement of the tank is at least 20 gallons with plenty of spaces to hide and swim. It should be kept in a tank with a covering with no large open holes that they can escape from. These fishes have a history of jumping out of aquariums; hence secured covering of tanks should be ensured. This fish is reef aquarium compatible. The Red Parrot Fairy Wrasse chunks on meaty foods. These foods include krill, raw table shrimp, squid, clam and mussel. It is also a good idea to occasionally supplement with some type of herbivore diet. The Red parrot Fairy Wrasse easily learns to eat flake, pellet and other commercial foods.
Maximum Size: The Red parrot Fairy Wrasse grows up to 3 inches.
General Size Specifications: This fish will come to you generally around 2 to 3 inches.
Minimum Tank Size: Red parrot Fairy Wrasse requires a tank of at least 20 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. The tank set up may be of Marine type: Coral, rock, live rock, plants. Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Habitat: Range: Indo-Pacific
Feeding and Diet: The Red Parrot Fairy Wrasse is a carnivore and likes to eat variety of meats (fish, scallop, shrimp, squid, clam).

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