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Groupers are the large Carnivorous Fish of the Order Perciformes. A stout body and a large mouth are the most typical features of Groupers. These fish are found on Reefs and in Warm Seas. Most of the Groupers are an important source of food and some of them are also used in Angling. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide array of Groupers species. Prior to proceeding to them however, lets take a look at the common features of Groupers.
Compatibility. Groupers are aggressive in nature, which is coupled with their large body & Carnivorous food habit. Therefore, these Groupers should not be kept with other Small Fish, especially Ornamental Fish that can be easy prey for these Carnivores. Alternatively, you can keep Groupers with other large aggressive fish like Eels and Triggers Owing to their aggressive disposition; its advisable to keep only one Grouper in a tank. Most of the Groupers are Reef Compatible.Habit & Habitat. Groupers are usually found in the Tropical and Subtropical Seas, including Indo Pacific Ocean, Red Sea, and the ones found in Srilanka, Australia, and Hawaiian Islands.
Morphology. Groupers are beautiful, large, and hardy fish with dotted or rayed pattern on their skin. Groupers measure from 10"-6 in length. In addition, some Groupers have morphological adaptations for protection against the various defensive modes of different preys.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Groupers require a Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025, a pH of 8.1-8.4, and a Temperature of 72-78°F. Groupers require an aquarium of minimum 80 Gallons capacity. Keep ample hiding places such as, Corals, Caves, and Rocks in your aquarium. In addition, you should be vigilant to keep the tank water clean.
Aquarium Feeding. Groupers feed on small live or dried Fish, Live Black Worms, chopped or frozen Seafood (especially Octopus, Crabs, & Lobsters), Shrimp, and Krill.
Aquarium Breeding. Groupers are Protogynous Hermaphrodite, where young ones are female (dominant) and undergo Sex Reversal as they grow large in size. It is difficult to breed Groupers in aquarium.
Care. Usually Expert Aquarists should handle Groupers.
Some of the best selling Groupers available at Fresh Marine are listed below. These Groupers are classified according to their Families.
Family Grammistidae. Groupers belonging to this family secrete poisonous mucus and need expert care.Clown leaflip Grouper (Pogonoperca punctata). Also known as Leaf Lip Soapfish and Grouper Fish, Crown Leaflip Groupers grow up to an approximate size of 3-6. The fish have Black colored Saddles on their back, while small White Spots mark all over their body and head.
Golden Stripe Soapfish Grouper (Grammistes sexlineatus). Also known as, Skunk Six Stripe Soap Fish, these Groupers are Brown in color with White Stripes. The end of Tail and Fins are Blue in color. These Groupers produce a lethal toxin, Grammistin. Growing up to an average size of 5-7, Golden Stripe Groupers require an aquarium of minimum 55 Gallons capacity.
Family Serranidae. Most of the Groupers from this family are large, have Spines over the Gill Cover or Operculum.Lyretail Grouper (Variola louti). Also known as Yellow Edged Lyretail Grouper Fish, Coronation Grouper, and Red Louti Grouper, these Groupers are bright Orange in color with multiple spots over their body surface. The color of their skin changes with age, while the tail acquires a lyres shape. Growing up to a maximum of 36, these Groupers require 300 Gallons tank.
Miniatus Grouper (Cephalopholis miniata). Also known as Coral Hind Grouper Fish and Coral Grouper, these Groupers are Red Orange in color with brilliant Blue Spots. They change color according to their surrounding just like Chameleon. Growing up to maximum size of 16.1, these Groupers require an aquarium of minimum 100 Gallons.
Panther Grouper (Cromileptes altivelis). Also known as Humpback Grouper Fish and Polka Dot Grouper, these Groupers are beautiful with Polka Dots all over their body. These Groupers are also strong swimmers. These are fast eaters and must be grouped with other fast eating large fish such as Angelfish, Triggers, and Tangs. Growing up to a size of 20-27.6, these Groupers require an aquarium size of minimum 100 Gallons.
V-Tail Grouper (Cephalopholis urodelus). Commonly known as Flagtail Grouper Fish, Darkfin Hind, Banded-tail Coral-cod grouper, and Red Flag Grouper, these Groupers possess two White; V shaped Stripes on the Caudal Fin. Growing up to a size of 11, these Groupers require a tank size of minimum 100 Gallons. They require caution if kept in a Reef Tank.
Blue Dot Grouper (Cephalopholis Argus). Commonly known as Peacock Grouper, Argus Grouper, Peacock Hind, Peacock Sea Bass, and Blue Spotted Grouper, these Groupers are beautiful. Though naturally available in Blue, Brown, Tan, and Green colors, these Groupers have the ability to change color according to surroundings. Growing up to a size of 16, these Groupers require an aquarium of minimum 100 Gallons capacity. The size of these fish may dislodge the Corals; therefore, you should keep them in Fish Only Marine Aquarium rather than the Reef Type Marine Aquarium.
Family Plesiopidae. The Groupers in this Family are the rare Comet Fish or Marine Betta that show interesting hunting behavior. These Groupers are easy to keep and are not very competitive.Marine Betta Grouper (Calloplesiops altivelis). Also known as Comet Grouper Fish or Comet, these Groupers are beautiful with an eyespot at the base, which resembles to its mouth in appearance. Growing up to an approximate size of 6, these Groupers require a minimum tank capacity of 55 Gallons. They are quite shy, are slow eaters, and are active in dim lights. They can even breed in aquarium unlike most of the Groupers.
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Groupers are the large Carnivorous Fish of the Order Perciformes. A stout body and a large mouth are the most typical features of Groupers. These fish are found on Reefs and in Warm Seas. Most of the Groupers are an important source of food and some of them are also used in Angling. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide array of Groupers species. Prior to proceeding to them however, lets take a look at the common features of Groupers.
Compatibility. Groupers are aggressive in nature, which is coupled with their large body & Carnivorous food habit. Therefore, these Groupers should not be kept with other Small Fish, especially Ornamental Fish that can be easy prey for these Carnivores. Alternatively, you can keep Groupers with other large aggressive fish like Eels and Triggers Owing to their aggressive disposition; its advisable to keep only one Grouper in a tank. Most of the Groupers are Reef Compatible.
Some of the best selling Groupers available at Fresh Marine are listed below. These Groupers are classified according to their Families.
Family Grammistidae. Groupers belonging to this family secrete poisonous mucus and need expert care.
Family Serranidae. Most of the Groupers from this family are large, have Spines over the Gill Cover or Operculum.
Family Plesiopidae. The Groupers in this Family are the rare Comet Fish or Marine Betta that show interesting hunting behavior. These Groupers are easy to keep and are not very competitive.
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