Four Line Cleaner Wrasse - Larabicus quadrilineatus - Red Sea Cleaner Wrasse

Medium 3" - 4"
Large 5" - 6"

The Four Line Cleaner Wrasse, also known as the Red Sea Cleaner Wrasse. Four Line Cleaner Wrasse is a brilliant blue with four, horizontal, lighter blue stripes with purple trimming the tail. The Four Line Cleaner Wrasse is well known for its feeding behaviour. It establishes a "cleaning station" often a cave or overhang, where it swims in a bobbing, dance like motion. Larger fishes come to the cleaning station to have ectoparasites removed. The Four Line Cleaner Wrasse swims around the fish picking off and eating the parasites. It often enters the mouth and gill chamber of large fishes.The Four Line Cleaner Wrasse or Arabian Cleaner Wrasse is actually a cleaner only as a juvenile.
Four Line Cleaner Wrasse is a native of the Red Sea. It is a cleaner Wrasse that is much more durable and longer lived than the traditional Cleaner Wrasse of the Indo-Pacific specimen. One Four Line Cleaner Wrasse should be kept per tank in a 30 gallon or larger community aquarium. It should be housed with other peaceful species, but may become aggressive towards small, more docile species and peaceful wrasses. Four Line Cleaner Wrasse should have some live rock available for use as shelter and for food. As a juvenile, it will eat parasites from placid tank mates. Adults feed almost entirely on polyps of stony corals. This is one of the reasons this is such a hard species to keep in an aquarium. Four Line Cleaner Wrasse is a very fragile fish and should only be cared for by a very experienced aquarist.
The Four Line Cleaner Wrasse is a high maintenance fish. It can be handled by an experienced aquarist. The Four Line Cleaner Wrasse prefers a tank of at least 30 gallons with plenty of places to hide and swim. This carnivore can adapt to aquarium life when offered a wide variety of meaty foods such as Brine Shrimp. A sand bed and live Rock should be provided for all Wrasses. Four Line Cleaner Wrasse will bury themselves in the sand to sleep or hide. Live Rock provides numerous small life forms that the Wrasses consider a tasty treat as well as another place to hide when they feel threatened. Four Line Cleaner Wrasse is aggressive with own species and peaceful with other fish in the aquarium. The Four Line Cleaner Wrasse is ideal for a reef aquarium, although, adults may eat ornamental shrimps. Their diet should consist of a variety of meaty foods, including brine shrimp, mysid shrimp, finely chopped sea foods and frozen carnivore preparations. Vitamin-enriched foods should be offered to help keep them healthy and their color bright
Maximum Size: Four Line Cleaner Wrasse grows up to 5 inches.
General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 1½ to 3 inches; the medium generally 3 to 4 inches; the large generally 4 to 6 inches; the XL generally 6 to 9 inches.
Minimum Tank Size: The Four Line Cleaner Wrasse prefers a tank of at least 30 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.
Habitat: Range: the Red Sea.
Feeding and Diet: Four Line Cleaner Wrasse is a carnivore and likes to eat variety of chopped crustaceans, fish pieces, shrimp, shellfish, and squid.

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