Flame Cardinal Fish - Apogon pseudomaculatus - Flame Fish - Cardinalfish

The Flame Cardinalfish is pinkish, red fish with small black spots below the dorsal and anal fins. The Flame Cardinalfishes are in many respects the damsel fishes of the night. Members of the family Apogonidae, they fill many of the ecological niches that are filled by the damsels during daylight on the reef. The night time has caused the Flame Cardinalfish to be less territorial (since there is less competition) and they have larger mouths to consume the larger plankton associated with night time on the reef and posses large eyes.
The Flame Cardinalfish grows upto 4.1 inches and is generally available in different sizes categorized as small, medium or large.
The Flame Cardinalfish do well in small groups and are non aggressive. They eat a variety of food and will adapt readily to captivity if they are not harassed by other fishes. They like subdued lighting and are a good addition to a "twilight aquarium".
The Flame Cardinalfish is behaviorally remarked fish. It is great fish for hobbyists at all levels. It will spend most of the time peering from holes and crevices, especially in well illuminated tanks. The Flame Cardinalfish can stake out a territory and chase out other cardinal fish that intrude.
Habit: The Flame Cardinalfish is found in tropical eastern atlantic region
Minimum Tank Size: A 30 gallon or larger aquarium with caves and peaceful tank mates is a good environment for this slow and methodical swimmer. The Flame Cardinalfish should not be kept in large groups because of its aggressive behavior towards other Cardinalfish, although, it does well in mated pairs. It is a nocturnal fish and may be watched using a red light.
Feeding and Diet: The Flame Cardinalfish is an omnivore. Its diet include all meaty foods including marine fishes, crustacean flesh, mysis shrimp and frozen preparations. It is strongly recommended not to keep these fishes along with timid ones as it may eat them.

Spotted Cardinal Fish - Sphaeramia nematoptera - Pajama Cardinalfish
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