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Sea Stars

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Sea Stars
Sea Stars, commonly referred to as Star Fish, are Carnivorous Echinoderm, belonging to the class Asteroidea. Shaped like a star, these Radially Symmetrical beings have five arms extending out from a Central Disk. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide array of Sea Stars species. Prior to proceeding to them however, lets take a look at some of the common features of Sea Stars.
Compatibility. Sea Stars are Aggressive to Semi-Aggressive in nature, with most of their species being Reef Compatible.Habit & Habitat. Sea Stars are found solitarily or in groups, on Reefs in marine environment, at all depths. Their spread ranges from the Caribbean Sea, to the Tropical Indo-Pacific region to the Red Sea, including Fiji & Tonga. Sea Stars are mostly Nocturnal in habit.
Morphology. Sea Stars are beautiful & hardy, and have a distinct Star shape & Radial Symmetry, due to which they get their name, Star Fish. The Mouth is located centrally, on the underside of the center part of the body, called the Central Disk, and the Anus is located on top. Five or more arms radiate out from the Central Disk, which can regenerate if they are damaged. Each of these Arms contains Tube Feet, which aid the Sea Stars in locomotion and in capturing food.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Sea Stars require a Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.025, a pH of 8.1-8.4, and a Temperature of 72-78°F, in a tank. The Copper, Phosphates, and Nitrates levels should be zero. Keep ample hiding places such as, Corals, Caves, and Rocks in your aquarium. A Sand & Gravel base is ideal for the Sea Stars to search their food on. Keep normal Fluorescent Lighting and moderate water current in the tank.
Aquarium Feeding. Sea Stars are Omnivorous and feed on Phytoplankton, especially Algae, Detritus, the meaty bits of seafood, and hunts for preys such as, Corals, Sponges, Tube Worms, Crustaceans, Star Fish, Sea Anemones, Clams, Urchins, Oysters, small & dull Fish, and other small Marine Sessile Invertebrates.
Aquarium Breeding. It is difficult to breed Sea Stars in aquarium.
Care. Usually Expert Aquarists should handle Sea Stars.
Some of the best selling Sea Stars available at Fresh Marine are listed below. These Sea Stars are classified according to their Families.
Family- Oreasteridae. The members of this Family are not Reef Compatible and are better suited in Fish Only Marine Tanks. The surface of these Sea Stars is knobby and therefore, their name is associated to Knobs and Nodules.African Red-Knob Sea Star (Protoreaster lincki). Also known as Red Knob, Red Spine Star, Red General Star, Crimson Knobbed Star Fish, and African Sea Star, these hardy fish are found mostly in Red and Gray colors. They have a size of generally around 12 and require a minimum of 75 Gallons aquarium capacity.
Chocolate Chip Sea Star (Protoreastor nodosus). Also known as Sea Star, Nodular Sea Star, and Chocolate Chip Starfish, these Sea Stars may grow up to 6, and occur in Cream, Tan, Brown, Yellow, Red, Blue, White, and Orange colors. These Peaceful beings require a tank capacity of minimum 30 Gallons and are better off with non-aggressive tank mates.
Family- Ophidiasteridae. The Sea Stars of this Family are non-aggressive and are better suited with Peaceful tank mates.Blue Linckia Sea Star (Linckia laevigata). Also known as Blue Linkia, Blue Sea Star, Comet Sea Star, and Blue Starfish, they occur in Blue color with Purple or Red colored dots. They can grow up to 12.
Burgundy Linckia Sea Star (Linkia species). Also known as Burgundy Sea Star, Purple Sea Star, and Tamarisk Sea Star, these Sea Stars grow up to a size of around 8. They are mostly Burgundy in color with the variations of deep Purple to deep Magenta.
Marble Sea Star (Fromia species). Also known as Fromia Sea Star and Marble Starfish, these Sea Stars can be found in the combinations and the variations of Red, Pink, Brown, Tan, Black, White, Cream, & Orange colors with Cream or White colored dots. They can grow up to a size of around 4.
Family - Ophiotrichidae. The members of this Family are quite agile and brittle as they break off easily, and are therefore called Brittle Stars.Brittle Sea Star (Ophiothrix purpurea).Also known as Brittle Star and Purple Brittle Star, these Sea Stars can grow up to 12, and occur in Red, Brown, Tan, Green, Yellow, & Black colors.
Bubble Tip Brittle Fancy Sea Star (Ophiarachna species). They have bubble shaped projections all over their body, and therefore the name, Bubble Tip. Also known as Fancy Brittle, they can grow up to 10. These Sea Stars are found in Green, Brown, & Tan colors. They have Yellow colored Arms, emerging from an Olive colored Central Disk. Each of the five Arms has White or Black colored Hairy Filaments running along the edges.
Family- Ophiocomidae.Banded Serpent Sea Star (Ophiocoma species). Also known as Fancy Banded Sea Star, Brittle Starfish, & Brittle Sea Star, these Sea Stars are banded, brittle, and show snake like wavy movements and therefore the names. They can grow up to 14, and occur in Black, Brown, Tan, Yellow, and Red colors. The body color of these Sea Stars intensifies with age. They can grow up to 5.
Family Astropectinidae.Sand Sifting Sea Star (Astropecten polycanthus). Also known as Sand Sifting Starfish, they burrow themselves into the sand when stressed and therefore the name. These Sea Stars grow up to 12 and require a minimum of 80 Gallons tank capacity. They occur in Cream, White, Tan, & Brown colors.
Family- Himerometridae.Feather Sea Star (Himerometra species). Also known as Feather Star, Crinoid Feather Sea Star, Feather Starfish, and Crinoid, these Peaceful Sea Stars resemble a Feather in shape and can grow up to a size of 14. Equipped with five arms called Pinnules, which keep growing in number with age, they occur in Brown, Tan, Red, Green, Black, & Yellow colors. They require very high water quality and its important to keep a Protein Skimmer installed in your tank.
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Sea Stars, commonly referred to as Star Fish, are Carnivorous Echinoderm, belonging to the class Asteroidea. Shaped like a star, these Radially Symmetrical beings have five arms extending out from a Central Disk. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide array of Sea Stars species. Prior to proceeding to them however, lets take a look at some of the common features of Sea Stars.
Compatibility. Sea Stars are Aggressive to Semi-Aggressive in nature, with most of their species being Reef Compatible.
Some of the best selling Sea Stars available at Fresh Marine are listed below. These Sea Stars are classified according to their Families.
Family- Oreasteridae. The members of this Family are not Reef Compatible and are better suited in Fish Only Marine Tanks. The surface of these Sea Stars is knobby and therefore, their name is associated to Knobs and Nodules.
Family- Ophidiasteridae. The Sea Stars of this Family are non-aggressive and are better suited with Peaceful tank mates.
Family - Ophiotrichidae. The members of this Family are quite agile and brittle as they break off easily, and are therefore called Brittle Stars.
Family- Ophiocomidae.
Family Astropectinidae.
Family- Himerometridae.
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