African Red-Knob Sea Star - Protoreaster lincki - Red Knob
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Taxonomy: African Red-Knob Sea Star belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Echinodermata, Class Asteroidea, Family Oreasteridae, Genus Protoreaster and Species lincki.
Scientific names: The scientific name of African Red-Knob Sea Star is Protoreaster lincki.
Other common names: African Red-Knob Sea Star is also commonly known as Red Knob, Red Spine Star, Red General Star, Crimson Knobbed Star Fish and African Sea Star.
Origin or natural range: Protoreaster lincki is mainly found in the Indian Ocean including South America.
Size: African Red-Knob Sea Star may grow up to a size of approximately twelve inches.
Color: Protoreaster lincki occurs in red and gray colors.
Aggression: African Red-Knob Sea Star is aggressive towards the marine aquarium invertebrates.
Compatibility: Protoreaster lincki is not reef compatible.
Venom status: African Red-Knob Sea Star is non-poisonous.
Life Expectancy: African Red-Knob Sea Star has a long life.
Habit & Habitat: In its natural habitat, Protoreaster lincki is found in the shallow water regions, generally at a depth of around hundred feet.
Hardiness: African Red-Knob Sea Star is Hardy.
- The body of Protoreaster lincki is thick and has five short and triangular arms extending out, resembling the appearance of a star and therefore, the common name.
- The dorsal body surface of African Red-Knob Sea Star is bumpy or knobby owing to the tubercles running up to the tips of its arms. The resulting mesh like structure with tubercles is marked in deep red, burgundy or deep orange color.
Aquarium habit & habitat:
- Tank type: To host African Red-Knob Sea Star, you should have a Fish Only Marine Aquarium with a minimum water capacity of seventy-five gallons.
- Aquarium set-up: Keep ample Live Rocks, rocks and a thick layer of sand or gravel in your marine aquarium for African Red-Knob Sea Star to search its food on.
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Illumination: Normal Output Fluorescent lighting is recommended for the marine aquarium hosting Protoreaster lincki in it.
- Acclimation: Slowly acclimate African Red-Knob Sea Star to your marine aquarium environment through the Slow Drip Method. The slow acclimation process takes a minimum of two hours time.
- Diet: Protoreaster lincki is Carnivorous in feeding habit.
- Food content: African Red-Knob Sea Star eats phytoplankton, especially algae, the meaty bits of seafood and catches preys such as, corals, sponges, tube worms, crustaceans, star fish, sea anemones, clams, urchins, oysters, small and dull fish and other small marine sessile invertebrates. Protoreaster lincki also Scavenges on detritus.
- Supplements: On a weekly basis, you may supplement the diet of African Red-Knob Sea Star with the meaty bits of clams, fish, shrimp, mussel and squid.
Benefits: African Red-Knob Sea Star scavenges on detritus and therefore, keeps your marine aquarium free of perishable organic matter.
- African Red-Knob Sea Star is easy to maintain.
- Sudden fluctuations in temperature and pH in your marine aquarium environment may give temperature shock and pH shock, respectively, to Protoreaster lincki.
- Copper and Nitrates in any form in your marine aquarium may prove lethal for African Red-Knob Sea Star.

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