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Lobsters are Bilaterally Symmetrical Arthropods with their exoskeleton usually buried under rocky, muddy, or sandy areas. Living for more than 100 years, these non-poisonous creatures are also eaten by human beings, apart from gracing aquariums. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide collection of Lobsters, prior to moving on to them however, lets look at some of their common features.
Compatibility. Lobsters are aggressive towards other aquarium inhabitants, while being Territorial with their own species. They are Reef Compatible and therefore, keep only one Lobster or a mating pair of it per aquarium. Do not keep Triggerfish and Lobsters in the same aquarium as the former can eat or harm the later.Habit & Habitat. Lobsters are found in the Tropical areas of usually the Indo-Pacific region. They are Nocturnal in habit and walk slowly at the bottom of sea at night, under normal circumstances. In the search of food, they aerate the aquarium by plowing the sand at the bottom, while also cleaning it by feeding upon Detritus. They keep away from light and hide behind Rocks or any other shelter during the daytime. At the time of danger however, they can swim backwards at a rapid speed of 5 meters per second. They swim by curling and uncurling their abdomen.
Morphology. Occurring in different attractive colors such as Purple, Orange, and Red, Lobsters have a spotted body. They do not have a clear vision, so the Lobsters use their long Antennae as Sensors and small Claws for their self-defense & feeding.
Ideal Marine Aquarium Environment. Lobsters go well in Reef Type Marine Aquariums, with Sand, Gravel, Coral Rubble, or Rocks at the bottom for the Lobsters to bury themselves conveniently in. Rocks & Caves also help these Nocturnal creatures hide. Aquarium Temperature ranging between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit, the Specific Gravity of 1.023-1.025, and the pH ranging between 8.10-8.40, are ideal for Lobsters. The high levels of Nitrates and Copper in aquarium water can be harmful for the health of Lobsters. Regularly add Iodine & Calcium to help Lobsters carry on with their Molting process. In addition, the tank should be dimly lit.
Aquarium Feeding. Lobsters are Omnivorous, Nocturnal & Benthic Feeders. They eat live food such as, Fish, Mollusks, Worms, Other Plants, Detritus, & Crustaceans.
Aquarium Breeding. Lobsters may not breed well in aquarium.
Care. Lobsters are non-poisonous in nature and are therefore, easy to maintain.
Now lets look at the Lobsters options Fresh Marine extends.
Family – Nephropidae.Purple and Orange Lobster - Enoplomentopus debelius. Also popular as Red Lobster and Debelius' Reef Lobster, these Lobsters exist in Yellow, Orange and Purple colors. They have a flat, elongated, & spotted, up to 5” long body.
Red Lobster - Enoplometopus species. Also commonly known as Hawaiian Reef Lobster, Red Hawaiian Reef Lobster, and Hairy Reef Lobster, these Lobsters resemble the Freshwater Crayfish species. Growing up to 5” long, these Lobsters occur in Red & Orange colors with their spotted in White body being covered with Bristles.
Family – PalinuridaeSpiny Blue Lobster - Panulirus versicolor. Also commonly known as Spiny Lobster, Painted Lobster, Painted Crayfish, Painted Spiny Lobster, Purple Spiny Lobster, Blue Spiny Lobster, Spiny Blue Lobster, and Painted Rock Lobster, these Lobsters exist in various attractive colors such as, Black, Green, White, & Blue. Growing up to an approximate size of around 14”, these Lobsters are hardy. They have Blue Stripes patterned on their body & legs, while tail and abdomen have White Bands. Keep ample movement space in the tank, else owing to their large size, these Lobsters may damage the accessories and smaller lives within your tank.
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Lobsters are Bilaterally Symmetrical Arthropods with their exoskeleton usually buried under rocky, muddy, or sandy areas. Living for more than 100 years, these non-poisonous creatures are also eaten by human beings, apart from gracing aquariums. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide collection of Lobsters, prior to moving on to them however, lets look at some of their common features.
Compatibility. Lobsters are aggressive towards other aquarium inhabitants, while being Territorial with their own species. They are Reef Compatible and therefore, keep only one Lobster or a mating pair of it per aquarium. Do not keep Triggerfish and Lobsters in the same aquarium as the former can eat or harm the later.
Now lets look at the Lobsters options Fresh Marine extends.
Family – Nephropidae.
Family – Palinuridae
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