Diadema / Purple Stripe Pseudochromis - Pseudochromis diadema - Diadem Dottyback Fish

The Purple stripe Pseudochromis or better known as Diadem Dottyback or Diadem Pseudochromis has a yellow body. Purple stripes run across the length of the body up to the dorsal fin.
This fish is very aggressive in nature. Therefore, not suitable for a peaceful tank community. It attacks other fishes irrespective of their sizes. It defends its territory with a lot of zeal and aggression. The Purple Stripe Pseudochromis swims at the bottom level. They prefer light so in captivity light conditions has to be good. It’s an easy fish to be taken care of. This fish is quite hardy. Therefore, it can stay in good shape even under bad conditions. This fish is egg layer.
Maximum Size: This species can grow up to 3 inches in length.
General Size: This species is generally 1.5-2 inches in length.
Minimum Tank Size Suggested: The water holding capacity of the tank must be a minimum of 30 gallons.
Tank Conditions: The Purple Stripe Pseudochromis should ideally be kept in temperatures between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The Ph balance of the water should also be maintained between 8.1 and 8.4 as they prefer alkaline content of the water to be high. The specific gravity should be maintained ideally between 1.020-1.025. The tank must get enough light as this species swims not in very deep water. The tank must have plenty of live coral or rock. Plants should also be there at the bottom of the tank to simulate their natural habitat. There must also be artificial caves or ledges inside the tank to provide a refuge to it. The Diadema Pseudochromis must not be kept in a tank with ornamental shrimps as the later would be eaten by it. The tank must provide a lot of spaces to make it swim freely.
Habitat: The purple Stripe Pseudochromis is generally found in the Indo-Pacific regions like the Indian Ocean, The Pacific near the shores of japan etc.
Feeding and Diet: The Pseudochromis diadema is carnivorous in its feeding habit. It likes to eat different variety of meats especially Mysis Shrimp and prepared foods.

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