Tube Anemone - Ceranthus membranaceus - Cerianthus Anemone
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Tube Anemone - Ceranthus membranaceus Taxonomy: Tube Anemone belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Cnidaria, Class Hexacorallia, Order Ceriantharia, Family Cerianthidae, Genus Ceranthus and Genus membranaceus.
Scientific names: The scientific name of Tube Anemone is Ceranthus membranaceus.
Other common names: Tube Anemone is also commonly known as Cerianthus Anemone, Tube Dwelling Anemone, Colored Tube Anemone, Brown Tube Anemone and Burrowing Anemone.
Animal Type: Tube Anemone is a polypoid Cnidaria called Coelenterate.
Origin or natural range: Ceranthus membranaceus is found in the Indo-Pacific region and Britain.
Size: Tube Anemone may grow to a height of approximately twelve inches.
Color: Ceranthus membranaceus occurs in brown, tan, chocolate, yellow, pink, green, orange, blue and purple colors.
Compatibility: Tube Anemone is aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat:
- Unlike some other Anemones, Ceranthus membranaceus does not share a symbiotic relationship with clownfish.
- Tube Anemone lives in its tube which is permanently buried in sand, gravel or mud.
- Ceranthus membranaceus is nocturnal in habit and therefore, feeds at night.
- Tube Anemone is hardy.
- The oral disc is situated at the anterior end of the body of Ceranthus membranaceus.
- Oral disc has two circles of around seventy different tentacles with a mouth at the center.
- The tentacles of Tube Anemone may be brown, green or white in color with dark brown colored striped pattern on them.
- The inner ring of the tentacles has smaller sized tentacles than the ones in the outer ring. The inner ring of tentacles hides the mouth of Tube Anemone.
- The foot or aboral end is situated at the posterior end of the body of Ceranthus membranaceus.
- Tube Anemone lives in a smooth tube that it constitutes from the released nematocysts and seabed sediments. The tube is firmly anchored to the substrate in the habitat of Tube Anemone. The Anemone keeps contracting and expanding in and out of the tube depending upon its environmental conditions.
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the temperature below sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit during cold weather.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Water flow in the aquarium: Tube Anemone needs intermittent, moderate water flow in the reef tank hosting it.
- Ceranthus membranaceus requires high intensity lighting in the marine aquarium it inhabits.
- Metal Halides lighting is recommended for Tube Anemone.
- To host Ceranthus membranaceus, you should have a reef-type invertebrate only or species only marine aquarium of the capacity of fifty gallons and above.
- Put a three inches to four inches high layer of sand or gravel in your marine aquarium having Tube Anemone in it.
- Place Ceranthus membranaceus away from the other corals in your marine aquarium as both the parties may sting each other, if touched.
- Tube Anemone derives its nutrition mainly through photosynthesis, which is performed by zooxanthellae, a photosynthetic alga living symbiotically within the Anemone.
- Ceranthus membranaceus is Carnivorous in feeding habit and filter feeds daily in the night, when open.
- Tube Anemone eats Mysis Shrimp, fish, zooplankton, phytoplankton and the meaty bits of raw shrimp, brine shrimp, small crustaceans, krill and silversides.
- Add Calcium, Iodine and trace elements as dietary supplements for Ceranthus membranaceus.
- Tube Anemone can eat reef fish therefore; better keep the Anemone in invertebrates only or species only marine aquarium.
- Keep Tube Anemone away from the other corals in your marine aquarium as both corals and the Anemone may sting each other thereby, harming one another.

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