Torch Coral - Euphyllia glabrescens - Trumpet Coral - Grape Coral - Pom-Pom Coral - Whisker Coral
Medium 3" - 4"
Large 4" - 5"

Torch Coral - Euphyllia glabrescens Taxonomy: Torch Coral belongs to Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Cnidaria, Class Anthozoa, Family Caryophylliidae, Genus Euphyllia and Species glabrescens.
Scientific names: The scientific name of Torch Coral is Euphyllia glabrescens.
Other common names: Torch Coral is also commonly known as Pom-Pom Coral, Trumpet Coral, Grape Coral, Whisker Coral, Branching Anchor Coral and Branching Hammer Coral.
Coral Type: Torch Coral is a Large Polyp Stony (LPS) Coral.
Origin or natural range: Euphyllia glabrescens originates from the Indo-Pacific region including Fiji, Tonga, Solomon Islands and the Great Barrier Reef.
Color: Torch Coral occurs in green, brown, pink, golden, yellow and tan colors.
Compatibility: Euphyllia glabrescens is aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
- Torch Coral is moderately hardy.
- Euphyllia glabrescens has branched skeletal base which is covered by polyps.
- The polyps of Torch Coral are long and have single rounded tip.
- The long polyps of Euphyllia glabrescens wave with the water currents.
- Torch Coral has sweeper tentacles tipped by the stinging cells, nematocysts. Torch Coral extends its sweeper tentacles at night.
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Torch Coral needs indirect, moderate water current in the marine aquarium it inhabits.
- Exposing Euphyllia glabrescens to direct, strong water current may hamper its complete spread.
- If the polyps of Torch Coral do not open up fully then you need to check the quality of water in your marine aquarium.
- Keep the water in your marine aquarium clean so that it is free of any infectious organism.
- Torch Coral requires moderate to high intensity indirect lighting in the marine aquarium it inhabits.
- Actinic lighting and / or high output fluorescent lighting such as VHO and Power Compact are recommended for Euphyllia glabrescens.
- Torch Coral may take some time in adjusing to Metal Halide lighting.
- The coloration of Euphyllia glabrescens may be determined by the intensity of light the coral is exposed to.
- Torch Coral should be kept in an aquarium with a capacity of fifty gallons and above.
- Place Euphyllia glabrescens on some substrate at the bottom of your marine aquarium.
- Keep Torch Coral away from the other marine aquarium invertebrates as the coral may sting them upon contact.
- Euphyllia glabrescens derives its nutrition mainly through photosynthesis which is performed by zooxanthellae, a photosynthetic alga living symbiotically within the coral.
- Torch Coral is Carnivorous in feeding habit and filter feeds weekly, when open.
- Euphyllia glabrescens feeds upon acellular marine invertebrates, frozen meaty bits of raw shrimp, Silver Side, fish, squid and Mysis Shrimp, zooplankton and phytoplankton.
- Add Calcium, Strontium and trace elements to the water as dietary supplements for Torch Coral.
- Euphyllia glabrescens grows easily and rapidly in a marine aquarium meeting the coral’s all the environmental requirements.
- Torch Coral breeds asexually through fragmenting. Each resulting piece grows to an individual Torch Coral.
- Torch Coral requires moderate care.
- Euphyllia glabrescens is susceptible to Brown Jelly Infection in which the parasite converts the coral into a jelly like substance and thus kills it.
- Clownfish may also live upon Euphyllia glabrescens in the absence of a suitable anemone host.
- Torch Coral has long sweeper tentacles that can sting any other marine aquarium invertebrate that touches them. Therefore, keep the other tank members at a safe distance from the Torch Coral.
- Torch Coral may also sting you, therefore, handle the coral carefully.

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