Male Japanese SwallowTail Angelfish - Genicanthus melanospilos - Blackspot Angel Fish

Medium 3" - 4"
Large 5" - 6"
XL 7" - 10"

SwallowTail Angelfish - Genicanthus melanospilos: With a highly-flared tail, the Swallowtail Angelfish is also referred to as the Blackspot Angelfish, Blackspot Lyretail Angelfish, and Spotbreast Angelfish. The Swallowtail Angelfish is one of the few angelfish to exhibit dramatic sexual dimorphism. The female is yellow dorsally, and light blue ventrally. The caudal fin is marine-blue highlighted by a dark, blue-black edging on the top and bottom. The male is a pale yellow, with multiple thin, dark, vertical stripes.
A minimum of a 100-gallon tank or larger with lots of hiding places and live rock for grazing will offer an environment in which to thrive. An exception to most angelfish, the Blackspot Angelfish will make a good reef dweller, and will not nip at stony and soft corals (sessile invertebrates). It is also more peaceful and may be kept as a mated pair, or in schools.
Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
The Swallowtail Angelfish groups Up to 7 inches in size. Dwarf Swallowtail Angelfish Are generally available at 2-3 inches.
Habitat: The Swallowtail Angelfish is usually found near Western Pacific, Australia
Specific Care Information: It is important that you feed Lamarck angelfish all kinds of live, frozen, and prepared formula foods. Best to feed Lamarck small amounts several times a day. A good formula that can be made at home consists of mussels, shrimp, squid, and spinach.
Diet: Feed a varied diet consisting of large chunks of meaty foods. These foods include krill, raw table shrimp, squid, clam and mussel. It is also a good idea to occasionally supplement with some type of herbivore diet containing spirulina and supplement with a sponge fortified formula specifically for Angelfish.
Sexual Differences: The Swallowtail Angelfish is one of the few angelfish to exhibit dramatic sexual dimorphism. The female is yellow dorsally, and light blue ventrally. The caudal fin is marine-blue highlighted by a dark, blue-black edging on the top and bottom. The male is a pale yellow, with multiple thin, dark, vertical stripes.

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