Sun Coral (Orange) - Tubastrea aurea - Tube Orange Coral - Sun Coral Tube Coral - Orange Sun Coral
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Medium 3" - 4"
Large 4" - 5"

Sun Coral (Orange) - Tubastrea aurea: Sun Coral (Orange) is a beautiful coral which comes in varied colors and patterns and graces your aquarium considerably when fully open. Very pretty but equally difficult to maintain, Sun Coral (Orange) should better be picked by veteran aquarists.
Taxonomy: Sun Coral (Orange) belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Cnidaria, Class Anthozoa, Order Scleractinia, Family Dendrophylliidae, Genus Tubastrea and Species aurea.
Scientific names: The scientific name of Sun Coral (Orange) is Tubastrea aurea.
Other common names: Sun Coral (Orange) is also known as Orange Tube Coral, Orange Cup Coral, Sun Coral Tube Coral, Orange Sun coral and Sun Polyps.
Coral Type: Sun Coral (Orange) is a Large Polyp Stone (LPS) Coral.
Origin or natural range: Tubastrea aurea is commonly found in the Indo-Pacific region including the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.
Color: Sun Coral (Orange) occurs in the variations of orange, yellow, peach and red colors.
Compatibility: Tubastrea aurea is generally peaceful towards the other marine aquarium mates.
Habit & Habitat:
- Sun Coral (Orange) is colonial in nature.
- Tubastrea aurea is found in shady regions such as, caves, reef ledges, reef slopes and rocky crevices in the marine water body they dwell in.
- Sun Coral (Orange) is nocturnal in habit and therefore, generally extends its tentacles at night.
- Tubastrea aurea has thin, tubular and branched skeleton with a delicate covering of star shaped polyp which is generally yellow in color. Therefore, Sun Coral (Orange) is quite fragile and is susceptible to physical damage easily.
- Tubastrea aurea has a round, stony base.
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Water flow in the aquarium: Sun Coral (Orange) requires moderate to high water movement in the marine aquarium it inhabits.
- Illumination: Tubastrea aurea needs low lighting in the marine aquarium hosting it.
- Place Sun Coral (Orange) on some substrate, in a cave or a shielded rocky area at the bottom of your marine aquarium.
- Keep Tubastrea aurea away from the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
- Sun Coral (Orange) may take some time in adjusting to your marine aquarium and therefore, opens up after settling down properly in your reef tank.
- Tubastrea aurea is azooxanthellae, that is, lacks photosynthetic alga, zooxanthellae.
- You need to directly feed every head of Sun Coral (Orange).
- Tubastrea aurea is Carnivorous in feeding habit and filter feeds at least three times per week, in the evening.
- Sun Coral (Orange) may also open up during the day if it gets food.
- Tubastrea aurea feeds upon acellular marine invertebrates, meaty bits of Mysis Shrimp, raw shrimp, Silver Side and Cyclopeeze, shrimp brine, zooplankton and phytoplankton.
- When you directly feed Sun Coral (Orange), the other invertebrates may try to eat the food of the coral. Therefore, better feed Tubastrea aurea with a pipette or in a separate bowl and then placing the coral back into the tank or by placing a shield around Sun Coral (Orange) so that all its food is directed to it only.
- Add Calcium, Strontium and trace elements to the water as dietary supplements for Tubastrea aurea.
- Sun Coral (Orange) breeds easily in a marine aquarium if it gets ample nutrition.
- Tubastrea aurea propagates asexually through budding. Once new heads are formed, you may fragment the rock they are growing on and place it separately.
- Sun Coral (Orange) is very difficult to maintain.
- Tubastrea aurea is quite delicate therefore; pick it from its base carefully and handle it very softly.

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