Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle - Heteractis crispa - Leather Anemone - Radianthus keukenthali

Taxonomy: Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Cnidaria, Genus Heteractis and Species crispa.
Scientific names: The scientific name for Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle is Heteractis crispa.
Other common names: Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle is also commonly known as Leather Anemone, Radianthus Keukenthali, Purple Tip Anemone, Pink Tip Anemone, Long Tentacle Anemone, Sebae Anemone and Leathery Anemone.
Animal Type: Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle is a Polypoid Cnidarian or Coelenterate.
Origin or natural range: Heteractis crispa is found in Tonga and Fiji.
Color: Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle occurs in purple, pink, brown, tan and green colors.
Compatibility: Heteractis crispa is aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat: Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle shares a symbiotic relationship with a variety of clownfish such as, Clark’s, Bluestripe, Cinnamon, Oman, Orange Skunk, Pink Skunk, Percula, True Percula, Saddleback, Red Saddleback, White-band, Two-band, Three-band, Tomato, Barrier Reef White Bonnet, Maroon, Gold Band Maroon, Yellow Stripe Maroon, Sebae and Clarkii to name some. In fact, Heteractis crispa can host nearly any type of clownfish.
- The appearance of Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle varies considerably according to its environmental conditions.
- The column of Heteractis crispa is strong, leathery and is buried in the substrate in its habitat.
- The tentacles of Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle are long, pointed and generally purple in color. In some Anemones, the tips of tentacles may be yellowish-green as a variant.
Growth enabling environment in your marine aquarium:
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Water flow in the aquarium: Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle needs moderate water flow in the reef aquarium hosting it.
- Illumination:
- Heteractis crispa requires high intensity lighting in the marine tank it inhabits.
- 400 Watts Metal Halide lighting is recommended for Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle. Actinic lighting is also fine.
- In a marine aquarium, Heteractis crispa grows up to a diameter of 18” with 5”-6” long tentacles.
- Habit & habitat:
- Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle may move around in your aquarium till it finds a suitable place to settle down on sand or on rock.
- Keep Heteractis crispa as far from the other corals as possible since the Anemone may sting the corals badly upon contact.
- Feeding & Nutrition:
- Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle derives its nutrition mainly through photosynthesis which is performed by zooxanthellae, an acellular photosynthetic alga living symbiotically within the Anemone.
- Heteractis crispa is Carnivorous in feeding habit and filter feeds a few times per week, when open.
- Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle eats acellular marine invertebrates, Mysis Shrimp, the meaty bits of shrimp and silversides, fish, krill, mussels, zooplankton and phytoplankton.
- Slightly dissolved organic matter boosts Heteractis crispa’s growth. Protein skimmer should be used.
- Keep the nitrates level in the water as low as possible.
- Add Iodine to the water as dietary supplement for Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle.
- Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle is difficult to maintain.
- The environmental conditions required by Heteractis crispa must be strictly adhered to else, the Anemone may die off.
- If the tips of the tentacles of Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle are stretched out but stringy for long time then it implies that the Anemone is not getting enough food or light.
- Bristleworms may harm Heteractis crispa. The extended but stringy tentacles of Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle for quite some time are indicative of the damage by bristleworms.
Caution: The sting of Sebae Anemone - Long Tentacle is powerful. Therefore, keep the corals at a safe distance from it in your marine aquarium to prevent them from getting stung by the Anemone.

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