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Saltwater Medication

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Saltwater Medication
Environmental conditions of an aquarium should be favorable for the sound health of its inhabitants. Poor aquarium atmosphere can promote the growth of harmful Bacteria, Fungus, and other highly infectious diseases in your tank inmates. Therefore, apart from regularly tuning up your aquarium, it is also important to be ready for such contagion eventuality as diseases. Yes, we are talking about Aquarium Medications and we shall discuss Saltwater Medication here. Fresh Marine presents a variety of Saltwater Medications, mostly based on natural ingredients, to provide effective results without affecting your tank’s Biological Filter and pH.
Rx P Marine Parasite by Kent Marine. This Triple Action Saltwater Medication contains natural ingredients to treat different stages of Marine Ich and Parasites. Rx P Marine is free of Copper & Carcinogenic Dyes, and can be safely used on Sharks, Rays, Scale Less Fishes, & majority of Marine Invertebrates, if administered with caution. However, do NOT use this Saltwater Medication on Lionfish, Stonefish, Scorpion Fish, Starfish, Sea Urchins, Medusa Worms, Sea Apples, Sea Cucumbers, and Nudibranchs. Rx P does not cause Lateral Line Disease. 8 oz. of this Saltwater Medication is good for 50Gallons of tank water. The thin consistency of this formula makes it compatible with the Aquarium Water. Rx P is available in 8 oz., 16 oz., and 64 oz. packs.
Saltwater Medications by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.Aquarium Pharmaceuticals PimaFix. This is an herbal formula, prepared from Pimenta racemosa (West Indian Bay) Oil for treating Fungal Infections in fish. The multi-action Active Compounds of Pimenta racemosa also prevent the growth of the resistant strains of disease inducing organisms. PimaFix does not cause any water discoloration; any harm on Biological Filter in Freshwater or Marine Aquariums or Ponds & aquatic plants therein; and any change in the water pH. It is available in 8oz., 16oz., and 64oz. packs.
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals MelaFix. The Saltwater Medication is a Botanical Antibacterial Formula for Freshwater as well as Marine fish. The all-natural MelaFix is prepared from Melaleuca Tea Tree Extract. It heals injured Fins, and Open Wounds & Ulcers, while facilitating the growth of new Fins and Tissues. The Saltwater Medication also prevents Mouth Fungus, while treating Fin & Tail Rot, and Eye Cloud. MelaFix is safe for Reef Aquariums, Aquatic Plants, Scale less Fish, Fry, & Invertebrates (including Snails), and does not affect the water pH and Biological Filter. This Saltwater Medication is available in 8oz., 16oz., and 64 oz. packs.
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Furan-2 Medication. This Saltwater Medication is a blend of two Anti-Bacterial (Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative) Furan Compounds. Furan-2 effectively fights with Bacterial Diseases, including Hemorrhagic Septicemia, Bacterial Gill Disease, Open Red Sores (Aeromonas spp.), Body Slime & Eye Cloud, Black Molly Disease (Flavobacterium columnaris), and Fin & Tail Rot. This Saltwater Medication does not affect the Biological Filter of Salt or Fresh Water Aquariums. It can slightly discolor water, which can be eliminated with activated carbon. One packet of Furan-2 can treat 10Gallons of aquarium water.
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals EM Erythromycin Medication. This Saltwater Medication treats and controls Bacterial diseases, such as, Body Slime, Mouth Fungus, Furunculosis, Bacterial Gill Disease, and Hemorrhagic Septicemia. EM Erythromycin can be safely coupled with any anti-API Ich, anti-Fungal, or anti-parasitic Remedy to prevent any Secondary Bacterial Infections. This Marine and Freshwater Aquarium Remedy does not color the tank water. One packet of EM Erythromycin is good for 10Gallons of aquarium water.
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Triple Sulfa Medication. This Saltwater Medication is a blend of three Anti-Bacterial Sulfa Medications to treat Hemorrhagic Septicemia, Bacterial Gill Disease, Fin & Tail Rot, Cotton Mouth Disease, Body Slime, and Eye Cloud in both, Fresh and Saltwater Fish. Triple Sulfa does not affect the Biological Filter and Water Color in an Aquarium, Freshwater or Saltwater. One packet of this Saltwater Medication is effective for 10Gallons of aquarium water.
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals General Cure Medication. This Anti-Parasitic Saltwater Medication can treat different types of Parasitic Diseases, including Velvet, Anchor Worm, Fish Lice, Hole-In-The-Head Disease, and Gill & Skin Flukes. General Cure does not affect the color of aquarium water of Freshwater or Marine Aquarium. One packet of General Cure can treat 10Gallons of aquarium water.
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Environmental conditions of an aquarium should be favorable for the sound health of its inhabitants. Poor aquarium atmosphere can promote the growth of harmful Bacteria, Fungus, and other highly infectious diseases in your tank inmates. Therefore, apart from regularly tuning up your aquarium, it is also important to be ready for such contagion eventuality as diseases. Yes, we are talking about Aquarium Medications and we shall discuss Saltwater Medication here. Fresh Marine presents a variety of Saltwater Medications, mostly based on natural ingredients, to provide effective results without affecting your tank’s Biological Filter and pH.
Rx P Marine Parasite by Kent Marine. This Triple Action Saltwater Medication contains natural ingredients to treat different stages of Marine Ich and Parasites. Rx P Marine is free of Copper & Carcinogenic Dyes, and can be safely used on Sharks, Rays, Scale Less Fishes, & majority of Marine Invertebrates, if administered with caution. However, do NOT use this Saltwater Medication on Lionfish, Stonefish, Scorpion Fish, Starfish, Sea Urchins, Medusa Worms, Sea Apples, Sea Cucumbers, and Nudibranchs. Rx P does not cause Lateral Line Disease. 8 oz. of this Saltwater Medication is good for 50Gallons of tank water. The thin consistency of this formula makes it compatible with the Aquarium Water. Rx P is available in 8 oz., 16 oz., and 64 oz. packs.
Saltwater Medications by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.
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