Sally Lightfoot Crab - Percnon gibbesi - Sally Light Foot Crab

Taxonomy: Sally Lightfoot Crab belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda, Family Grapsidae, Genus Percnon and Species gibbesi.
Scientific names: The scientific name of Sally Lightfoot Crab is Percnon gibbesi.
Other common names: Sally Lightfoot Crab is also known as Nimble Spray, Short Crab and Urchin Crab.
Origin or natural range: Sally Lightfoot Crab is found in the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and Galapagos Islands.
Size: Sally Lightfoot Crab generally measures three to five inches. The size of Percnon gibbesi may, however, vary according to the season.
Color: Sally Lightfoot Crab is brown in color.
Compatibility: Percnon gibbesi is semi-aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat: Sally Lightfoot Crab is an active crab found on the rocky shorelines in the crevices of rocks or under sea urchins.
- Percnon gibbesi is hardy.
- The body of Sally Lightfoot Crab is flat and is quadratic in shape like that of a spider.
- Percnon gibbesi has two pairs of antennae, three body parts and five pairs of legs.
- The body and the legs of Sally Lightfoot Crab have yellow or orange colored stripes, especially at joints.
- Percnon gibbesi sheds its legs often and regenerates them fast.
- The first pair of leg of Sally Lightfoot Crab is developed into large claws which help the crab to catch food, move things and fight with other animals.
- The head of Percnon gibbesi is connected to thorax.
- The thorax of Sally Lightfoot Crab is covered with a hard covering called carapace.
- The abdomen and the tail of Percnon gibbesi are small and are hidden under the carapace.
- Sally Lightfoot Crab undergoes a process called molting wherein it sheds off its smaller exoskeleton to replace it with a new and larger one. Percnon gibbesi undergoes molting when it outgrows its existing shell. Sally Lightfoot Crab leaves its shed exoskeleton at a visible site to dodge its predators while the crab hides out to allow its new exoskeleton to harden.
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit or twenty-three to twenty-six degrees Celsius.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Water flow in the aquarium: Sally Lightfoot Crab requires strong water current in the marine aquarium it inhabits.
- Habit & habitat:
- You can keep more than one Sally Lightfoot Crab in a reef type marine aquarium having coral, rock and sand in which the crab can hide.
- Around twenty-five gallons of water are needed per Percnon gibbesi.
- Sally Lightfoot Crab takes just one hour or so to adjust to the marine aquarium environment.
- Feeding & Nutrition:
- Percnon gibbesi is Omnivorous in feeding habit and eats algae, fish, small invertebrates, pellet, detritus and the meaty bits thereby cleaning the tank.
- In case your marine aquarium does not have the sufficient amount of algae in it, you may add dry seaweed to the water as dietary supplement for Sally Lightfoot Crab.
- Percnon gibbesi scavenges food on Live Rocks and dead small fish.
- Add minerals and trace Elements in the water as dietary supplements for Sally Lightfoot Crab.
- Sally Lightfoot Crab is easy to maintain owing to its non-poisonous nature.
- Larger marine animals in your marine aquarium may eat away Percnon gibbesi. Therefore, be careful about the size of your marine aquarium members.
- The poor quality of water may create molting problems in Sally Lightfoot Crab.

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