Rock Beauty Angelfish - Holacanthus tricolor - Rock Beauty Angel Fish

Medium 3" - 4"
Large 5" - 6"
XL 7" - 10"

The Rock Beauty Angelfish has a body that is predominately black especially on the back half, as an adult. The head and front half portion of the body, and the caudal fin are a bright yellow. The eyes have striking sapphire-blue accents. Similar in appearance, the juvenile initially has a predominately yellow body with a large caudal black spot that just seems to enlarge, overwhelming the yellow coloration with the exception of head, body area just behind the head, and the caudal fin. They can be kept in reef tanks as they mostly pick on small food off the live rock. They will however destroy your algae unless your macro-algae are well established and growing very rapidly (which means strong light, carbon dioxide addition and the use of a good reef fertilizer).
Recommended Tank Size: Rock Beauty Angelkfish requires at least a 100 gallon aquarium.
Range and Habitat: Tropical Western Atlantic
Specific Care Information: Keep only one such fish. Feed sparingly, as in reef tanks fish get a lot of food from the small animalcules that live on the live rock. Rock Beauty Angelfish are rather susceptible to parasitic infestations.
Diet: Their primary diet consists of sponge matter, without this in their diets they will slowly starve to death in an aquarium no matter how much other food they get. They require a high quality marine food specially formulated for large Angelfish that contains sponge. They will also require algae, mussels, shrimp, squid and nori. They will adapt to eating frozen and freeze dried food over time. Rock Beauty Angelfish will pick on sponges and feather dusters
Breeding and Propagation: There is no known difference between males and females.

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