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Red Slime Algae RemoverRed Slime Algae Remover

Red Slime Algae Remover

Water, light, and nutrients available in the aquarium facilitate many life forms even the undesired one at times. Algae is one such mostly unintended yet one of the commonest incidence in an aquarium. Brown, Green, Red/Brush, and Blue-Green are the strains of undesirable algae that usually occur in an aquarium. Our subject of interest, Cyanobacteria, or Red Slime, or Blue - Green Alga, as it is commonly known, occurs in both, Marine and Freshwater Aquariums. Cyanobacteria are unicellular hybrid of plant & Bacteria that lives in huge colonies, and is sometimes called “Algae-Bacteria.” These ugly, floating algae may pose growth competition to the beneficial Coralline Algae, while also decreasing the visual appeal of the tank. It therefore, becomes necessary that these useless algal growths are eliminated from the aquarium, a process well realized through Red Slime Algae Removers. Fresh Marine offers several effective Red Slime Algae Removers. The ensuing discussion deals with some of the top sellers.

Red Slime Control by Blue Life. This Red Slime Algae Remover effectively executes its job without adversely affecting any of the aquarium inmates (including Fish, Corals, and other Reef Invertebrates), and discoloring the aquarium water.

Poly Ox Red Slime Remover by Kent Marine. This Red Slime Algae Remover is an Organic Material Oxidizer, which is free of any Algaecide. Poly Ox works on the source of nutrition of Red Slime Algae to make it inassimilable for the algae. The Oxidizer simply oxidizes any leftover food, and soluble Organic matter present in the aquarium water. As a result, Red Slime Algae is wiped off, while improving the aquarium water quality to the benefit of its inmates.

Red Slime Algae Remover by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals.
  • Algaefix. This Red Slime Algae Remover controls the growth of several types of algae found in Planted Freshwater Aquariums. In effect, the aquarium water is cleaned, creating a healthy environment for its flora and fauna.
  • Algae Destroyer Advanced Liquid. This Red Slime Algae Remover controls the growth of ugly Green and Brown Algae growing in Freshwater Aquariums. A weekly application of Algae Destroyer significantly eases out the maintenance of Freshwater Aquariums.

  • Pond Algae Control by Tetra. This Red Slime Algae Remover rids a Fountain and/or Ornamental Pond, with Synthetic Lining, of Green Water, String & Hari Algae (Spirogyra), and Blanket Weed (Oedogonium). Red Slime Algae Remover is safe for aquatic plants and ornamental fish, however, this product is not meant for the systems with Invertebrates and/or Crustaceans, such as, Crabs, Shrimps, and Crayfish.

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