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Pond UV Sterilizer Bulb

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Pond UV Sterilizer Bulb
Ponds are closed water ecosystems that mostly re-circulate the water and therefore lack fresh water flow through the source. This stagnant water situation makes ponds vulnerable to the seasonal algal growth due to an increase in their overall toxins & Carbon Dioxide content. As a result, the quality of water in the pond declines. This is where Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs come into the frame. Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs are used to control the growth of algae in ponds, while also controlling any spread of disease in both, Marine & Freshwater Aquariums. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide array of Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs to help keep your pond’s water crystal clear. Lets look.
Pond UV Sterilizer System by Laguna Ponds.Laguna Ponds Pressure Flo Lamp. These powerful, pressurized UVC Pond Filters are integrated with Pond UV Sterilizer System / Clarifier, which work together to help keep the water quality high, hygienic, and healthy. These Pond UV Sterilizer Systems allow Mechanical, Biological, & UV Sterilization that and can work hand in hand with Mechanical Pumps too. The unique Backwash-Cleaning System completely cleans its Mechanical Foam Filters without opening the unit. Depending on the size of the ponds, the Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs available are, Laguna Pressure-Flo 700UVC for ponds up to 700Gallons, 1400UVC for ponds up to 1400Gallons, 2100UVC for ponds up to 2100Gallons, and 3200UVC for ponds with a capacity of 3200Gallons.
Laguna Ponds PoweClear. These Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs come in two models according to the capacity of Ponds they can handle, 1000UV Sterilizer with a flow rate of 500GPH, and 1800UV Sterilizer with a flow rate of 700GPH. They are equipped with an 8-watt and a 16-watt UV bulb, respectively. These Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs are designed to keep the water of the pond clean & healthy by eliminating green water and the pathogenic Bacteria, present therein.
Laguna Ponds PoweClear Max. One of the unique features of these UV Sterilizer Replacement Bulbs is that they have a Quartz Sleeve, which protects the Pond UV Sterilizer Bulb, while also helping to maintain an optimum bulb temperature. These Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs have high efficiency because they have a spiral shaped Contact Chamber, which increases the UV contact time with water. Mounting Brackets are bundled with the packs that allow both, the horizontal and the vertical mounting of these Pond UV Sterilizer Systems. Other models available according to the capacity of ponds they can handle are PoweClear Max 1000UV-8Watt-500GPH, PoweClear Max 2000-25Watt-1000GPH and PowerClear Max 5000 UV-55Watt-1300GPH.
Pond GreenFree Replacement Bulbs by Tetra. Algae not only make the ponds look green and unsightly, but also reduce the Oxygen content of the pond, thereby harming the other aquatic life forms. These Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs eliminate the problem permanently by destroying the reproductive capability of green water with the help of Ultra Violet Light, while also removing Parasitic Lice, Bacteria, and other Viruses from the ponds. The Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs available are, Tetra Pond GreenFree 9Watt UV 1 Replacement Bulbs with a flow rate of 900GPH for ponds up to 1800Gallons, 18Watt UV 2 Replacement Bulbs with a flow rate of 2200GPH for ponds up to 4400Gallons, and 36Watt UV 3 Replacement Bulbs with a flow rate of 4400GPH for ponds up to 8800 Gallons.
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Ponds are closed water ecosystems that mostly re-circulate the water and therefore lack fresh water flow through the source. This stagnant water situation makes ponds vulnerable to the seasonal algal growth due to an increase in their overall toxins & Carbon Dioxide content. As a result, the quality of water in the pond declines. This is where Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs come into the frame. Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs are used to control the growth of algae in ponds, while also controlling any spread of disease in both, Marine & Freshwater Aquariums. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide array of Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs to help keep your pond’s water crystal clear. Lets look.
Pond UV Sterilizer System by Laguna Ponds.
Pond GreenFree Replacement Bulbs by Tetra. Algae not only make the ponds look green and unsightly, but also reduce the Oxygen content of the pond, thereby harming the other aquatic life forms. These Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs eliminate the problem permanently by destroying the reproductive capability of green water with the help of Ultra Violet Light, while also removing Parasitic Lice, Bacteria, and other Viruses from the ponds. The Pond UV Sterilizer Bulbs available are, Tetra Pond GreenFree 9Watt UV 1 Replacement Bulbs with a flow rate of 900GPH for ponds up to 1800Gallons, 18Watt UV 2 Replacement Bulbs with a flow rate of 2200GPH for ponds up to 4400Gallons, and 36Watt UV 3 Replacement Bulbs with a flow rate of 4400GPH for ponds up to 8800 Gallons.
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