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Liquid Aquarium Foods

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Liquid Aquarium Foods
Liquid Aquarium Foods are a standard Staple Food for aquatic pets to meet their fundamental nutrients requirements. These foods boost the health and the color of your fish. Liquid Aquarium Foods are dispensed in the aquarium water for consumption by the fish. Fresh Marine offers a wide range of Liquid Aquarium Foods. The ensuing discussion takes a look.
Standard Liquid Aquarium Foods.
Aquarium Fish Solution by Ecosystem. Available in 8oz & 16oz packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods are meant for Fish Only Aquariums and not at all for Reef Tanks. The solution boosts your fish appetite, replenishes their body with vital Minerals, and enhances their color. Over time, the fish become healthy, energetic, and colorful. These Liquid Aquarium Foods also prevent and reverse the Head & Lateral Line Erosion (HLLE) in fish.
By Kent Marine.
Kent Marine Discus Essential. Available in 8oz, 16oz, & 64oz packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods supply all the vital Trace Minerals to your aquatic pets to keep them energetic, while also enhancing their color. In addition, this formula is safe and contains no Hormones, Heavy Metals, Phosphates, Nitrates, and Silicates.
Kent Marine Zoecon. Available in 2oz, 4oz, & 8oz packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods contain Essential Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acids, EPA & DHA. The Shark Liver Oil present in the formula contains natural Immunity Boosters. The food is deigned for Saltwater & Marine Fish, Invertebrate Larvae & Juveniles. The formula is free of Phosphates, Nitrates, Yeast, & Sugars.
Instant Baby Brine Shrimp by Ocean Nutrition. Available in 20g pack, these Liquid Aquarium Foods contain Freshly Hatched Baby Brine Shrimp, Artemia salina. You can now have all the tank benefits of real Baby Brine Shrimp without any hatching mess at your end.
Garlic Based Liquid Aquarium Foods.
Aquarium Garlic Elixir by Ecosystem. Available in 1oz & 4oz packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods keep the heart of your Tropical & Saltwater Aquatic Pets healthy. A unique blend of Garlic Extract, Organic Nutrients, & Vitamins, this Reef Safe solution is Anti Bacterial & Anti Fungal in nature, and keeps Ichs & Parasites in fish, at bay.
Garlic Xtreme by Kent Marine. Available in 1oz & 4oz packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods are rich with the goodness of Garlic. Free of any artificial ingredients & Steroids, the formula is a Food Soak that contains attractants to tempt your fish for feeding. Just keep the food soaked in the solution for some time before feeding it to your fish.
Garlic Guard by Seachem. Available in 250ml & 500ml packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods are Food Soak that contains attractants to tempt your Freshwater & Marine Fish for feeding. Just keep the food soaked in the solution for some time before feeding it to your fish. Rich with the goodness of a powerful Antioxidant, Allicin, & Vitamin C, the formula is Reef Safe.
Plant Supplements.
Freshwater Plant Supplement by Kent Marine. Available in 8oz, 16oz, & 64oz packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods supply the Bio-available forms of Iron & Micronutrients for encouraging the growth of your aquatic plants. The formula is free of Phosphates, Nitrates, and any other Fertilizers, and therefore does not promote any unwanted Algal growth.
By Seachem.
Seachem Flourish Iron. Available in 250ml & 500ml packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods contain Ferrous Iron Gluconate. Recommended when there are the signs of Iron Deficiency in your aquatic plants.
Seachem Flourish Phosphorus. Available in 250ml & 500ml packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods are meant to supply the Macro Nutrient, Phosphorus, to your aquatic plants, while not triggering the undesirable Algal growth.
Seachem Flourish Potassium. Available in 250ml & 500ml packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods supply the Macro Nutrient, Potassium, for the sound growth of your aquatic plants.
Plankton Based Liquid Aquarium Foods.
Kent Marine PhytoPlex Phytoplankton. Available in 8oz, 16oz, & 64oz packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods contain a unique blend, Phytoplex, of Marine Phytoplankton such as, Nannochloropsis, Tetraselmis, & Tahitian Isochrysis. The formula, designed especially for Live Hard & Soft Corals, Tube Worms, Clams, Rotifers, Plankton, Larval Fish, and other Invertebrates, is a rich source of Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, DHA, & EPA. The formula is free of harmful Viruses, Toxins, & Heavy Metals.
Kent Marine ZooPlex. Available in 8oz, 16oz, & 64oz packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods contain Whole Bio-Engineered Marine Zooplankton, meant for Marine Filter Feeders & Planktivores. The formula is rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Carotenoid Pigments, Essential Amino Acids, Fiber, & Color Enhancers.
Minerals Supplements Based
Kent Marine Strontium & Molybdenum. Available in 8oz pack, these Liquid Aquarium Foods furnish the Bio-available forms of Strontium for a sound growth of Purple, Pink, & Green Calcareous Algae, Snails, Hard Tube Worms, and Clams. Magnesium, Potassium, & Molybdenum, are also present in the formula for the growth of Symbiotic Algae in Coral and other Invertebrate Tissues. The blend enables Corals to open well and to stay attached to their Skeletons better. The formula is free of harmful Phosphates, Nitrates, Gluconates, EDTA, and other DOC levels boosting Organics.
By Seachem.
Seachem Marine Trace. Available in 250ml pack, these Liquid Aquarium Foods supply all the vital Trace Elements to your fish for their sound health & growth.
Seachem Reef Calcium. Available in 250ml & 500ml packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods contain a Bio available form of Polygluconate Complexed Calcium, to maintain the much-required Calcium in a Reef Aquarium, at the desired level. The formula works without altering the pH of water. As a result, Corals experience improved Metabolic Energy for an encouraging Coral growth. In addition, the formula prevents Calcium Precipitation, Alkalinity Depletion, while boosting Denitrification. The Nitrogen & Phosphorus free formula does not lead to any Algal growth.
Seachem Reef Plus. Available in 250ml & 500ml packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods supply Trace Elements (Iodide), Vitamins (B12, C, Thiamine, Inositol, Choline), & Amino Acids in a Reef Tank. As a result, Corals and the other Reef pets show sound health & growth.
Microorganisms Boosting Liquid Aquarium Foods.
Marc Weiss Organics Sand Boost. Available in 6oz & 16oz packs, these Liquid Aquarium Foods energize the Microorganisms present in Live Sand & Rock, which in turn boosts your Aquarium’s Biological Filter. The Organic Formula has an immense ability to utilize as much waste as possible, to the benefit of your tank.
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Liquid Aquarium Foods are a standard Staple Food for aquatic pets to meet their fundamental nutrients requirements. These foods boost the health and the color of your fish. Liquid Aquarium Foods are dispensed in the aquarium water for consumption by the fish. Fresh Marine offers a wide range of Liquid Aquarium Foods. The ensuing discussion takes a look.
Standard Liquid Aquarium Foods.
By Kent Marine.
Instant Baby Brine Shrimp by Ocean Nutrition. Available in 20g pack, these Liquid Aquarium Foods contain Freshly Hatched Baby Brine Shrimp, Artemia salina. You can now have all the tank benefits of real Baby Brine Shrimp without any hatching mess at your end.
Garlic Based Liquid Aquarium Foods.
Plant Supplements.
By Seachem.
Plankton Based Liquid Aquarium Foods.
Minerals Supplements Based
By Seachem.
Microorganisms Boosting Liquid Aquarium Foods.
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