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Ich Medication

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Ich Medication
Ich or White Spot is the commonest of all the Aquarium Diseases. Ich, scientifically known as Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, is a Protozoan Parasite. You can spot Ich as the salt grains on the surface of your fish skin, which is mature Ich (Trophozoite Cyst), all set to reproduce and spread further to other fish hosts. It is obvious that once Ich invades your tank, it is there to settle, proliferate, and consume your livestock, until you apply Ich Medication to your tank. Therefore, Ich Medications help eliminate Ich from your tank, resulting in healthy aquatic pets. Fresh Marine offers Ich Medication from some of the leading brands. The ensuing discussion throws an insight into Ich Medication on Fresh Marine.
Rx P Marine Parasite by Kent Marine. This Triple Action Saltwater Medication contains natural ingredients to treat different stages of Marine Ich and Parasites. Rx P Marine is free of Copper & Carcinogenic Dyes, and can be safely used on Sharks, Rays, Scale Less Fishes, & majority of Marine Invertebrates, if administered with caution. However, do NOT use this Saltwater Medication on Lionfish, Stonefish, Scorpion Fish, Starfish, Sea Urchins, Medusa Worms, Sea Apples, Sea Cucumbers, and Nudibranchs. Rx P does not cause Lateral Line Disease. 8 oz. of this Saltwater Medication is good for 50Gallons of tank water. The thin consistency of this formula makes it compatible with the Aquarium Water. Rx P is available in 8 oz., 16 oz., and 64 oz. packs.
Ich Medications by Kordon.Kordon Ich Attack Disease Inhibitor. This Ich Medication, apart from treating Ich, also treats other Bacterial, Fungal, and Protozoan, Primary or Secondary Infections, occurring in aquatic pets. Being herbal in content, Ich Attack is safe as well as effective to use in all type of aquariums and ponds. This Ich Medication works well even for the sensitive varieties of aquatic pets, such as, Scale Less Fishes (Loaches & Catfishes), Coral Reef Fishes, and Fry, apart from Amphibians and Reptiles as well. Ich Attack does not harm eggs, aquatic plants, Nitrifying Bacteria, Aquarium Décor, Sealants, & Equipment, Aquarium Water pH, and Reef Aquariums. Available in 4oz. pack, this Ich Medication also does not discolor the water.
Kordon Prevent Ich Disease Preventative Inhibitor. This Ich Medication, made from Organic ingredients, helps prevent a broad spectrum of Ich, Fungal, Protozoan (Single Cell Parasites, such as, Costia, Trichodina, Chilodonella, & Crytocaryon), Amyloodinium, and Dinoflagellates Diseases, in fishes. Available in 4oz. pack, each Ich Inhibitor pack can treat up to 240Gallons of water. This Ich Medication works well on Scale less Fishes (such as, Loaches, Elephant Noses, Electric Eels, Knife Fishes, and Catfishes), Coral Reef Fishes, Young Fish & Fry, Reef Aquariums, Aquatic Plants, Aquatic Invertebrates (such as, Snails, Crustaceans, Corals, & Sea Anemones), Amphibians, and Reptiles. Ich Attack does not harm aquatic plants, Nitrifying Bacteria, Aquarium Décor, Sealants, and Aquarium Water pH. Moreover, this Ich Medication also does not discolor the water.
Kordon Rid-Ich Disease Treatment. This Ich Medication checks Ich, other Protozoan (Ichthyophthiriasis, Costia, Trichodina, Chilodonella, Cryptocaryon, & Amyloodinium), Dinoflagellate, and Fungal Diseases in both, Freshwater or Marine aquatic pets in any type of Aquariums and Ponds. Rid-Ich does not harm Biological Filters in your aquatic arrangements. This chemical formula employs less toxic Chloride salt of Malachite Green. Available in 4oz., 16oz., and 1Gallons pack, each 4oz. can treat 240Gallons of water. This Ich medication can well treat Scale Less Fishes (especially Loaches & Catfish), however, do not use the formula on Mormyrids (Elephant Noses). Rid-Ich requires very careful administration coupled with complete caution.
Super Ick cure Medication by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. This Ich Medication effectively treats Ich or White Spot Disease by killing the Ich Protozoan within 24 hours of its administration, while also checking the associated Secondary Bacterial Infections. Ick Cure works well in both, Freshwater as well as Marine Aquariums. Each packet of this Ich Medication can treat 10Gallons of water.
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Ich or White Spot is the commonest of all the Aquarium Diseases. Ich, scientifically known as Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, is a Protozoan Parasite. You can spot Ich as the salt grains on the surface of your fish skin, which is mature Ich (Trophozoite Cyst), all set to reproduce and spread further to other fish hosts. It is obvious that once Ich invades your tank, it is there to settle, proliferate, and consume your livestock, until you apply Ich Medication to your tank. Therefore, Ich Medications help eliminate Ich from your tank, resulting in healthy aquatic pets. Fresh Marine offers Ich Medication from some of the leading brands. The ensuing discussion throws an insight into Ich Medication on Fresh Marine.
Rx P Marine Parasite by Kent Marine. This Triple Action Saltwater Medication contains natural ingredients to treat different stages of Marine Ich and Parasites. Rx P Marine is free of Copper & Carcinogenic Dyes, and can be safely used on Sharks, Rays, Scale Less Fishes, & majority of Marine Invertebrates, if administered with caution. However, do NOT use this Saltwater Medication on Lionfish, Stonefish, Scorpion Fish, Starfish, Sea Urchins, Medusa Worms, Sea Apples, Sea Cucumbers, and Nudibranchs. Rx P does not cause Lateral Line Disease. 8 oz. of this Saltwater Medication is good for 50Gallons of tank water. The thin consistency of this formula makes it compatible with the Aquarium Water. Rx P is available in 8 oz., 16 oz., and 64 oz. packs.
Ich Medications by Kordon.
Super Ick cure Medication by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. This Ich Medication effectively treats Ich or White Spot Disease by killing the Ich Protozoan within 24 hours of its administration, while also checking the associated Secondary Bacterial Infections. Ick Cure works well in both, Freshwater as well as Marine Aquariums. Each packet of this Ich Medication can treat 10Gallons of water.
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