Leaf-Tail Lined Gecko - Uroplatus lineatus
Adult Lined Leaf Tailed Geckos will need a 30-gallon aquarium or larger sized cage if more than two Lined Leaf Tailed Geckos are kept in the enclosure. Branches and rocks are needed for climbing and to provide basking areas. A secured screen top is needed for ventilation. Do not house two adult male Lined Leaf Tailed Geckos together as they are territorial and will fight for space in the enclosure. Because the Lined Leaf Tailed Gecko is an arboreal species, live potted or artificial plants can be used to provide attractive surfaces to climb on. Live plants are better than artificial since they will help maintain the 75% to 100% relative humidity that the Lined Leaf Tailed Gecko needs.
This nocturnal native of Madagascar and has large eyes and like all other leaf tailed geckos has frills and flaps that help break up and disguise the shape of the Lined Leaf Tailed Gecko. Lined Leaf Tailed Geckos are often a mottled combination of brown, tan, green, and gray. All members for the leaf tail gecko group, including the Lined Leaf Tailed Gecko have a leaf shaped tail.
The substrate or bedding that you use is one of the most important parts of your Lined Leaf Tailed Gecko's home, since your Lined Leaf Tailed Gecko will be spending much of its time on it. There are many substrates that can be safely used. Some of the most common include crushed coconut shell, orchid bark, soil, or a sandy/soil mix. These substrates will help to maintain a higher humidity level for the Lined Leaf Tailed Gecko. Sphagnum moss can also be used to help raise the humidity. Be sure to clean it often to prevent mold and bacteria growth.
Heating and Light
Lined Leaf Tailed Geckos should have daytime temperatures of 77°F to 84°F. Nightime temperatures should be 70°F to 75°F. Even though the Lined Leaf Tailed Gecko is nocturnal, UVB light is important to the Lined Leaf Tailed Geckos health and can often stimulate breeding. This can be provided with fluorecent bulbs or mercury vapor spot lights which also provide heat. A spotlight with an appropriate wattage incandescnet bulb or ceramic emitter can be used to provide heat. Many hobbyists will install thermometers or thermostats in the enclsosure to be able to accurately maintain these temperatures. We do not recommend the use of any kind of heat rocks as they can often lead to burns on your Lined Leaf Tailed Gecko.
Lined Leaf Tailed Geckos are carnivores and will eat a variety of insects including crickets, mealworms, super worms, and wax worms. Be sure to gut load all prey before feeding your Lined Leaf Tailed Gecko. Fresh water should always be provided. Powdered vitamin/mineral supplement may be offered once or twice a week.
Fish Scale Gecko - Geckolepsis maculata - Golden Fish Scaled Gecko
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