Frogspawn Assorted Branching - Euphyllia divisa - Honey Coral Wall - Frogspawn Coral - Grape Coral - Octopus Coral
Medium 3" - 4"
Large 4" - 5"

Frogspawn Assorted Branching is an interesting addition for the marine aquariums of experienced aquarists. The article briefs you upon the various aspects of Frogspawn Assorted Branching.
Taxonomy: Frogspawn Assorted Branching belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Cnidaria, Family Euphyllidae, Genus Euphyllia and Species divisa.
Scientific names: Frogspawn Assorted Branching is scientifically called as Euphyllia divisa.
Other common names: The other common names of Frogspawn Assorted Branching are Zigzag Coral, Wall Coral, Octopus Coral, Grape Coral, Honey Coral Wall and Torch Coral.
Coral Type: Frogspawn Assorted Branching is a Large Polyp Stony (LPS) Coral.
Origin or natural range: Euphyllia divisa originates from the Indo-Pacific region, Western Pacific Ocean and Australia.
Color: Frogspawn Assorted Branching occurs in green, brown, tan and cream colors.
Compatibility: Euphyllia divisa is aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat:
- Frogspawn Assorted Branching occurs in colonies that stretch over a meter.
- Euphyllia divisa is found anchored to vertical surfaces in shallow waters.
- At night, Frogspawn Assorted Branching extends its sweeper tentacles to six inches from its base.
- Frogspawn Assorted Branching is a big wall like structure.
- Euphyllia divisa has large sweeper tentacles with polyps dividing into small branches.
- Both the sweeper tentacles and branches are tubular in structure with the branches having knob-shaped termination at their tips.
- The knob-like tips of the branches resemble the appearance of a cluster of frog’s eggs and therefore the common name Frogspawn.
- The tentacles are generally brown in color with a dull shade tip and are visible during both, day and night.
- Frogspawn Assorted Branching has no columellae.
- Temperature of water: Seventy-four to eighty-three degrees Fahrenheit or twenty-three to twenty-eight degrees Celsius.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Water flow in the aquarium: Frogspawn Assorted Branching needs low to moderate water flow in the aquarium it inhabits.
- Illumination:
- Frogspawn Assorted Branching requires moderate lighting.
- In case you have Metal Halide lighting in your marine aquarium then place Euphyllia divisa at the bottom of your tank.
- Indirect fluorescent lighting, VHO and power compact are recommended.
- Habit & habitat: Place Frogspawn Assorted Branching at the bottom of your marine aquarium.
- Keep Euphyllia divisa much away from the other members of your reef aquarium as it may sting them.
- Feeding & Nutrition: Frogspawn Assorted Branching derives its nutrition chiefly via photosynthesis which is performed by zooxanthellae, a photosynthetic alga living symbiotically within Frogspawn Assorted Branching.
- Euphyllia divisa may filter-feed a few times per week, when open.
- Frogspawn Assorted Branching eats acellular marine invertebrates, meaty bits of raw shrimp, Silver Side and Mysis Shrimp, brine shrimp, phytoplankton and zooplankton.
- Add calcium, Strontium and Trace Elements as dietary supplements for Euphyllia divisa.
- Frogspawn Assorted Branching grows rapidly if it gets the desired amount of Calcium as supplement.
- Frogspawn Assorted Branching requires moderate care.
- Euphyllia divisa is prone to infections due to the wear and tear during shipment.
- Do not keep Frogspawn Assorted Branching and hair algae in the same marine aquarium.

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