Red Black Walking Frog - Phrynomantis bifasciatus

Red & Black Walking Frogs are small black frogs with red stripes down their backs. Males grow to about 2 inches in length, while females are slightly larger, growing up to 3 inches long. These frogs can live from 8-10 years if taken care of properly.
Habitat and Tank Requirements:
This species is native to South Africa. They do well with plenty of live plants and other things for them to climb, such as wood and rocks. Use soil, a soil/sand mix, or finely ground coconut husk for a substrate and some use a large aquarium gravel. Keep the substrate moist at all times.
Approximately 1/3 of their tank should be water. You can either use an under-gravel filtration system or clean the water every 2-3 days. You can use a small bowl just deep enough for the frogs to submerge themselves. If you decide to go with a filter, use common sense: a pump that is too small will leave the water dirty, while a too-powerful pump with filter out the microorganisms needed to maintain a healthy pH.
Be sure there are no openings in the tank through which the frog can escape. A hole large enough for a frog to stick its head out of is large enough for it to escape.
Red & Black Walking Frogs are small enough that you can keep 2 or 3 in a 10-15 gallon tank, however, as with all frogs, do not keep different species of frogs in the same tank. There is a risk of disease and parasites being spread between species, even if the carrier frog does not show any symptoms.
The comfortable temperature range for these frogs is 75-85º F during the day and as low as 62-73º F at night. LEDs or other low-wattage light bulbs work best for maintaining these temperatures.

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