Assorted Flower Pot Coral - Goniopora lobata - Daisy Coral - Flower Pot Coral - Sunflower Coral - Yoo Stone Coral
Medium 3" - 4"
Large 4" - 5"

What can better adorn anything but flowers? And what if you have a flower pot available for your marine aquarium as well? Yes, we are going to talk about Flower Pot Coral, a live pot of flowers for your reef tank.
Taxonomy: Flower Pot Coral belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Cnidaria, Family Poritidae, Genus Goniopora and Species lobata.
Scientific names: The scientific name of Flower Pot Coral is Goniopora lobata.
Other common names: Sunflower Coral and Ball Coral.
Coral Type: Large Polyp Stony Coral.
Origin or natural range: Goniopora lobata originates from the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and the Central Pacific region.
Color: Flower Pot Coral occurs in brown, tan, white, yellow and green colors.
Compatibility: Goniopora lobata is semi-aggressive towards the other marine aquarium invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat:
- Flower Pot Coral forms large colonies which are generally hemispherical or columnar in shape.
- Goniopora lobata is nocturnal in habit and therefore, feeds at night.
- The columnellae and oral cones of Flower Pot Coral are small in size.
- Each polyp of Goniopora lobata has twelve tentacles.
- As the name suggests, Flower Pot Coral resembles the appearance of a pot of flower when its polyps are fully open.
- The polyps of Flower Pot Coral are long and thin when open and therefore, become quite delicate and susceptible to wear and tear by even the slightest touch by the other members in the marine aquarium.
- The tips of the tentacles and the oral cones are of contrasting color than that of the rest of the polyp.
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Water flow in the aquarium:
- Flower Pot Coral requires strong water current.
- Keep the water enriched with organic substance but keep it clean to avoid any bacterial or fungal infection on Goniopora lobata.
- Illumination: Flower Pot Coral requires moderate to intense lighting in the marine aquarium it inhabits.
- If Goniopora lobata is not opening fully then it may be because of lighting issues. Adjust the lighting as required by the coral.
- Actinic lighting is recommended.
- Habit & habitat:Place Flower Pot Coral at the middle of your marine aquarium.
- Give ample space to Goniopora lobata so that it can spread itself fully.
- Keep the Flower Pot Coral away from the other members in your marine aquarium as the coral may get disturbed.
- Feeding & Nutrition: Flower Pot Coral filter feeds a few times per week when open. It feeds upon acellular marine invertebrates, phytoplankton, zooplankton and meaty bits.
- Add Calcium, Strontium, Iodine and trace elements to the aquarium water as dietary supplements for Flower Pot Coral.
- Goniopora lobata requires moderate to high care.
- Flower Pot Coral is difficult to maintain owing to its susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections.
- Goniopora lobata may catch infection readily as detritus deposits between its tentacles readily. This deposition of organic nature begins to decay with time, leading to Brown Jelly disease in Flower Pot Coral. Therefore, be very particular to regularly clean the coral with a stream of water current.
- Flower Pot Coral is also susceptible to fungal diseases in which a paste like substance begins to deposit over the coral.
- The key polyp of Goniopora lobata becomes long, thin and very delicate when open. Therefore, keep the other members in your aquarium away from Flower Pot Coral so that the coral is not hurt in any way.
- Bristle-worm and Euphyllia Corals may damage Goniopora lobata. Therefore, don’t keep the worm & Euphyllia Corals and Flower Pot Coral in the same tank.
- Keep the stinging corals and anemones far away from Goniopora lobata.
- Do not touch the main polyp of Flower Pot Coral as it may be detrimental to the coral’s health.

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