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Flea Control Formula

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Flea Control Formula
Fleas are small wingless insects. They are one of the most infuriating facets of keeping a pet. Besides being an annoyance, causing continuous scratching, Fleas may also pose health hazards for pets in the form of Anemia, Typhus Virus, Tapeworm Infections, and Skin Diseases.
Fleas are most dangerous in the early stages of their lifecycle, and should therefore, be killed before hatching, or at the Larval stage. The Flea Control Formula breaks the life cycle of Fleas, while also killing the adult ones. A wide variety of highly effective and safe Flea Control Formulas from different well-reputed companies, are available at Fresh Marine, one of the leading online pet care products shop. The ensuing discussion takes a look at these Flea Control Formulas.
Flea Control Formulas from Zodiac. They are useful in spot treating Fleas, Ticks, Lice, and Ear Mites, on the affected areas of pets’ body.
Flea Control Formulas from Merial.
Frontline Series.
Topspot Subseries. These, Over the Counter Flea Control Formulas come in a liquid form and relieve within 24 hours. These waterproof Flea Control Formulas are effective even after a month of application.
Products. For Cats (3 months supply pack for cats over two months old); Dog 0-22 Pounds (3 months); Dog, 23-44 Pounds (3 months); Dog 45-88 Pounds (3 months); and Dog 89-132 Pounds (3 Months).
Frontline Plus Sub-series. Effective within 24 hours of application, and to be used throughout the year, this Flea Control Formula series provides long-term and effectual control against Fleas, Ticks, and Chewing Lice. These Flea Control Formulas are equipped with Fipronil and (S)–Methoprene.
Products. Cat (3 Month Supply); Dog 0-22 Pounds 3 Month; Dog 23-44 Pounds, 3 Month; Dog 45-88 Pounds, 3 Month (for puppies over eight weeks); and Dog, 89-132 lbs.
Flea Control Formulas from Bayer.
Advantage Flea Series.
Control Sub-Series. These water resistant formulas contain Imidacloprid, which provides relief within 12 hours of application. The pack is for four months, is waterproof, and can be safely used for pregnant or nursing dogs.
Products. Green (4 Month – dogs under 10 lbs); and Orange: For Cats under 9 lbs (4 Months - for 8 weeks old kittens, pregnant, and nursing cats).
K9 Advantix Flea Control Series. These Flea Control Formulas are not to be used on cats. They deter Fleas, Ticks, & Mosquitoes, and kill them within 12 hours.
Products. For Dogs 55lbs and over (4 Pack); For Dogs 21-55 Pounds (4 Pack - meant for monthly use on dogs over 7 weeks); For Dogs 11-20 Pounds (4 Pack - for dogs over 7 weeks old); and Green Flea Control for Dogs 1-10lbs (4pk - contain Imidacloprid & Permatrin).
Miscellaneous Sub-Series.
Products. Killer for Dogs (11-20lbs, 4 Month Supply, works within 3-5 minutes of use); Red Box for Dogs 21-55 Pounds (4 Count - works within 12 hours of its application); Once-A-Month Topical Flea Treatment for Cats Over 9 Pounds (4 Pack – works within 12 hours of deployment); and Blue: For Dogs over 55 lbs (4 Month Supply- works within 3-5 minutes of use).
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Fleas are small wingless insects. They are one of the most infuriating facets of keeping a pet. Besides being an annoyance, causing continuous scratching, Fleas may also pose health hazards for pets in the form of Anemia, Typhus Virus, Tapeworm Infections, and Skin Diseases.
Fleas are most dangerous in the early stages of their lifecycle, and should therefore, be killed before hatching, or at the Larval stage. The Flea Control Formula breaks the life cycle of Fleas, while also killing the adult ones. A wide variety of highly effective and safe Flea Control Formulas from different well-reputed companies, are available at Fresh Marine, one of the leading online pet care products shop. The ensuing discussion takes a look at these Flea Control Formulas.
Flea Control Formulas from Zodiac. They are useful in spot treating Fleas, Ticks, Lice, and Ear Mites, on the affected areas of pets’ body.
Flea Control Formulas from Merial.
Frontline Series.
Flea Control Formulas from Bayer.
Advantage Flea Series.
Miscellaneous Sub-Series.
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