Evansi Anthias - Microlabrichthys evansi - Evan's Anthias - Yellowtail Goldie

Medium 2" - 3"
Large 3" - 4"

The Evansi Anthias is also known as Evan's Anthias, or the Kupang Goldie.
This is an open water swimmer that does great in groups. You can expect to see them throughout the day swimming in the main water column of the aquarium. Males do best when kept in groups with several females. May become aggressive towards other anthias. The Evansi Anthias appreciate a high flow environment. In the wild, they are found swimming in the strong currents over the reef feeding on plankton.
A bright and colorful marine fish, the Yellowtail Goldie is also known as the Evansi Anthias or Evan's Anthias. It is predominantly violet, the flanks are sprinkled with yellow dots, and an orange line runs laterally from nose to pectoral fin.
With a peaceful nature, this fish does well with other non-aggressive fish of the same variety. If keeping more than one Evansi, it is best to have one male with several females in a 500 liter (125 gallon) tank. If kept alone, a 100 liter (25 gallon) tank is sufficient.
Habitat: In a reef environment, plankton comprises the bulk of their diet. Supplementing with zooplankton or artemia can increase the probability of successful maintenance of this fish, since it may have difficulty digesting other commercial diets.
Origin: Western Pacific: New Caledonia, Great Barrier Reef in Australia
Diet: Evansi Anthias diet should include mysis, brine shrimp, and other meaty foods. Supplement their diet with zooplankton.
Sexual Differences: Anthias species all share the trait of being hermaphroditic. If a dominant male perishes, the largest female of the group will often morph to take its place.

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