Coral Hogfish - Bodianus mesothorax - Eclipse Hogfish - Mesothorax Hog Fish

Medium 2.5" - 4"
Large 4" - 7"

A born scavenger, the Coral Hogfish is a beneficial fish that cleanses parasites off of its tank mates. Quite aggressive towards newly introduced fishes in the tank, the Coral Hogfish however spares the corals or the anemones though not the other invertebrates. The younger ones have yellow rather than white spots while adults sport well-defined black band between the light and dark portions of the body. Active and hardy by nature, its fins are yellow with a black spot on the lower and the upper fins as well as near the gill plate. Considered aggressive, it also poses some amount of threats to fishes of equal or larger size.
Maximum Size: The Coral Hogfish grows up to 8 inches.
General Size: The small size comes generally between 1 and 2½ inches while the medium size varies between 2½ and 4 inches and 7 inches occassionally.
Minimum Tank Size Suggested: A 55 Gallon tank or a larger reef tank is recommended for a young Coral Hogfish, while a matured one shall require a 75 gallon or larger fish-only tank.
Tank Conditions: The Cuban Hogfish should ideally be kept in temperatures between 72 and 78 degree Fahrenheit. The Ph balance of the water should also be maintained between 8.1 and 8.4 as they prefer alkaline content of the water to be high. The specific gravity should be maintained ideally between 1.020-1.025. The tank must be decorated with artificial caves and rocks; as these rock structures simulate their artificial coral reef environment.
Habitat: Inhabits coral-rich outer reef slopes at depths of 5 to over 20 m, particularly near caves.
Feeding and Diet: As an eager carnivorous eater, it must be fed multi-times daily with live brine shrimp, black worms, or feeder shrimp or any meaty variety.

Masuda's Hogfish - Bodianus masudai - Peppermint Hog, Masudai Hogfish
Freshmarine: $121.95
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