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Cichilid Foods Pellets

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Cichilid Foods Pellets
Cichlids are the Freshwater fishes of the family Cichlidae, occurring in India, South America, and Africa. Cichilid Foods Pellets are the food for these Cichlids living in your aquarium. Rich in Vitamins, Minerals, and Proteins, these Cichilid Foods Pellets help boost the well-being of your aquatic pets along with enhancing their color. Fresh Marine brings to you a broad range of Cichilid Foods Pellets options from some of the leading makes.
Nutrafin Max Spirulina Cichlid Sticks by Hagen. Available in 1.2 oz., 2.6 oz., and 5.0 oz. packs, these Vegetarian Spirulina Sticks are enriched with Vitamin and color boosting Spirulina. The Cichilid Foods Pellets have little Phosphorous resulting in only slight Algal and Pre-Digested Plankton (P.D.P.) growth. As a result, these Sticks help in the optimal growth and increased immunity of your aquatic pets.
Cichilid Foods Pellets by Hikari. These Cichilid Foods Pellets are the staple diet for your aquatic pets.Hikari Cichlid Staple. Available in Mini, Medium, and Large sizes, these nutrients and vitamins rich food keeps the fish healthy and active. The high quality Cichilid Foods Pellets keep floating in water without causing cloudiness in it. Apart from fished of Cichlid family, these Cichilid Foods Pellets can also be used for Goldfish and Koi.
Hikari Cichlid GOLD. Available in Mini, Medium, and Large sizes, they are rich in color enhancers, which augment the vibrant hues in your Cichlids along with the other Tropical Fish.
Hikari Cichlid BIO GOLD Plus. Available in Large size, these Cichilid Foods Pellets are rich in natural Color Enhancers (especially Spirulina and Astaxanthin), Vitamin C, and beneficial micro organisms. As a result, your aquatic pets will be vibrantly colored, high on immunity (against Stress and Diseases, growth, & digestion, and low on waste.
Hikari Cichlid EXCEL. Available in Mini and Medium, and designed for herbivorous fish, these vegetarian, floating, Cichilid Foods Pellets are enriched with Wheat Germ and Spirulina. A high quality source of Protein, Vitamins & Minerals, and color enhancers, these Cichilid Foods Pellets are easily digestible. These Cichilid Foods Pellets go well with any Topical Herbivore, apart from African Cichlids.
Cichilid Foods Pellets by Tetra.Tetra TetraCichlid Large Flakes. Available in 2.82 oz., and 5.65 oz. packs, these Cichilid Foods Pellets are a source of nutrition and energy for all type of Cichlids. Rich in immunity boosting Vitamin C, Protein, Carbohydrates, and health boosting ProCare from TetraMin, these Cichilid Foods Pellets stay firm even in water.
Tetra Cichlid Floating Food Sticks. Available in 2.64 oz., 5.65 oz., and 11.30oz., these sticks are ideal Staple Food for top-feeding Cichlids (even Firemouths and Convicts), along with the other medium and large freshwater or marine fish. Easy to feed, these sticks do not cloud the water.
Tetra JumboMin Cichlid Floating Foodsticks. Available in 7.4 oz., these nutritious sticks consist of dried krill & shrimp, natural attractants, and Orange-Red color enhancing Carotenoids. Catering to Cichlids, Piranhas, Lionfish, Triggerfish and Catfish, these sticks facilitate complete digestion. Feed these sticks twice to thrice per day.
Premium Floating Pelleted Cichlid Food by Wardley. Available in Small, Medium, and Large sizes, these Cichilid Foods Pellets offer high quality nutrition with competent color enhancement in Cichlids. The Cichilid Foods Pellets are rich in natural ingredients, such as, Spirulina, Shrimp, Crayfish, and Marigold Petals, while the natural attractants help prompt your Cichlids to consume food. Stabilized Vitamin C aids in body tissues repair and increased immunity.
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Cichlids are the Freshwater fishes of the family Cichlidae, occurring in India, South America, and Africa. Cichilid Foods Pellets are the food for these Cichlids living in your aquarium. Rich in Vitamins, Minerals, and Proteins, these Cichilid Foods Pellets help boost the well-being of your aquatic pets along with enhancing their color. Fresh Marine brings to you a broad range of Cichilid Foods Pellets options from some of the leading makes.
Nutrafin Max Spirulina Cichlid Sticks by Hagen. Available in 1.2 oz., 2.6 oz., and 5.0 oz. packs, these Vegetarian Spirulina Sticks are enriched with Vitamin and color boosting Spirulina. The Cichilid Foods Pellets have little Phosphorous resulting in only slight Algal and Pre-Digested Plankton (P.D.P.) growth. As a result, these Sticks help in the optimal growth and increased immunity of your aquatic pets.
Cichilid Foods Pellets by Hikari. These Cichilid Foods Pellets are the staple diet for your aquatic pets.
Cichilid Foods Pellets by Tetra.
Premium Floating Pelleted Cichlid Food by Wardley. Available in Small, Medium, and Large sizes, these Cichilid Foods Pellets offer high quality nutrition with competent color enhancement in Cichlids. The Cichilid Foods Pellets are rich in natural ingredients, such as, Spirulina, Shrimp, Crayfish, and Marigold Petals, while the natural attractants help prompt your Cichlids to consume food. Stabilized Vitamin C aids in body tissues repair and increased immunity.
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