Chocolate Chip Sea Star - Protoreastor nodosus - Chocolate Chip Sea Star
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Taxonomy: Chocolate Chip Sea Star belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Echinodermata, Class Asteroideas, Family Oreasteridae, Genus Protoreastor and Species nodosus.
Scientific names: The scientific name of Chocolate Chip Sea Star is Protoreastor nodosus.
Other common names: Chocolate Chip Sea Star is also commonly known as Sea Star, Nodular Sea Star and Chocolate Chip Starfish.
Origin or natural range: Protoreastor nodosus originates from the Indo-Pacific region including the Red Sea.
Size: Chocolate Chip Sea Star may grow up to a size of around six inches or fifteen centimeters.
Color: Protoreastor nodosus occurs in Cream, Tan, Brown, Yellow, Red, Blue, White and Orange colors.
Aggression: Chocolate Chip Sea Star is aggressive towards the marine aquarium invertebrates.
Compatibility: Protoreastor nodosus is not reef compatible.
Venom status: Chocolate Chip Sea Star is non-poisonous in nature.
Habit & Habitat: In its natural habitat, Protoreastor nodosus is found on shallow reef areas, generally seventy-five feet deep from the sea surface.
Hardiness: Chocolate Chip Sea Star is Hardy.
Life expectancy: Protoreastor nodosus lives for over five years to seven years.
- The dorsal surface of Chocolate Chip Sea Star is bumpy or knobby due to projected spines or tubercles running along the length of each of the sea star’s five arms. The projections are marked in a deep and distinct color.
- Protoreastor nodosus is unisexual. There are however, no significant morphological differences in the male Chocolate Chip Sea Star and its female counterpart.
- Tank type: To host Chocolate Chip Sea Star, you should have a Fish Only Marine Aquarium with a minimum water capacity of thirty gallons.
- Aquarium set-up: Keep Protoreastor nodosus with peaceful fish.
- Temperature of water: Seventy-two to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity of water: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH of water: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Acclimation: Slowly acclimate Chocolate Chip Sea Star to your marine aquarium’s environment using the Slow Drip Method. The slow acclimation process of Protoreastor nodosus takes a minimum time period of two hours.
- Diet: Chocolate Chip Sea Star is Carnivorous in feeding habit.
- Food content: Protoreastor nodosus eats detritus, algae and the meaty bits of seafood. Chocolate Chip Sea Star also catches preys such as, oysters, tube worms, other starfish, crustaceans, corals, sea anemones, sea urchins, small fish and other small sessile and slow moving marine invertebrates.
- Supplements: Youcan supplement the diet of Protoreastor nodosus with the meaty bits of clams, squid and shrimp.
Breeding: Chocolate Chip Sea Star does not generally breed in captivity.
Benefits: Protoreastor nodosus eats detritus and therefore, prevents your marine aquarium’s water from getting contaminated by the perishable organic waste matter in it.
- Chocolate Chip Sea Star is moderately difficult to maintain.
- Sudden fluctuations in the pH and the temperature of your marine aquarium environment may give pH shock and temperature shock, respectively, to the Protoreastor nodosus therein.
- Copper in any form in your marine aquarium may prove lethal for Chocolate Chip Sea Star in it.
- Do not keep Protoreastor nodosus with Triggerfish.
- Dispensing any anti-parasitic chemical in your reef tank’s water can be harmful for the health of Chocolate Chip Sea Star.

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