Button Polyp - Green - Epizoanthus species - Sea Mats - Moon Polyps - Encrusting Anemones
Medium 4 - 6 Polyps
Large 6 - 10 Polyps

Button Polyp - Epizoanthus species
Corals belong to the Phylum Cnidaria of the animal kingdom, Animalia. Polyps are corals that build colonies. Coral Polyps are very hardy and are therefore, easy to maintain. Button Polyp is one such easy coral polyp. Button Polyp is “the” choice for new marine aquariums or the beginners. Quite easy to maintain and very beautiful, a Button Polyp enhances your aquarium’s visual appeal by many times. The ensuing discussion informs you about the various aspects pertaining to the interesting Epizoanthus species. Every category of hobbyists, be it beginners or experienced or serious ones or those having new reef aquarium set up, will find the information useful.
Other names: Button Polyp is also commonly called Moon Polyp, Sea Mat and Encrusting Anemone. The scientific name of Button Polyp is Epizoanthus species.
Coral Type: Button Polyp is a hard coral of polyp type.
Size: The size of Button Polyp may vary according to various factors such as, the depth of marine water in which the Epizoanthus species exists, the surrounding environment of the Button Polyp and the flow of water to name some.
Color: Button Polyp is tan or brown in color with green color in the middle as a variation in some varieties.
Compatibility: Button Polyp is moderately aggressive in comparison to the other marine invertebrate animals.
Growth environment in your marine aquarium: To have healthy and growing Button Polyp in your marine aquarium, you need to provide the following important environmental conditions:
- Temperature: The water in your marine aquarium containing Button Polyp should have a temperature in the range of 72 to 78 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity: The specific gravity of your marine aquarium’s water should be kept between 1.023 and 1.025 so that it is comfortable for Button Polyp therein.
- pH: The water in your reef aquarium containing Button Polyp should have a pH of 8.10 to 8.40.
- Illumination: Button Polyp requires low illumination.
- Water flow in the aquarium: The Epizoanthus species needs an average flow of water.
- Feeding: Button Polyp is Carnivorous in nature. It filter feeds on marine invertebrates such as Mysis Shrimp and miniscule planktons, including zooplankton and phytoplankton. When open, Button Polyp feeds a number of times per week. Button Polyp also derives nutrition from the photosynthesis performed by the photosynthetic algae, zooxanthellae. Button Polyp shares a symbiotic relationship with the alga and therefore, the alga resides within the polyp.
Caution: The Epizoanthus species emits a very poisonous chemical toxin, Palythoa Toxin. The victim needs immediate attention in case toxin reaches the victim’s blood vessels. The patient can get badly sick and may even die in some cases, if even ten grams of toxin reaches the bloodstream. In case you have handled Button Polyp with bare hands and post-handling you are experiencing flu symptoms but without fever then, seek medical advice without any further delay. To avoid any health risk, it is always better to wear rubber gloves while handling a Button Polyp.
Button Polyp can be an interesting addition into your marine aquarium, that too without much discomfort. If you have taken ample safety measures while handling a Button Polyp, then it can actually prove a worthy purchase. So, why wait? Get the beautiful Button Polyp and introduce it to your reef-type marine aquarium. But, don’t forget to put your rubber hand gloves on while handling the Epizoanthus species. After all, precaution is always better than cure.

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