Bubble Coral - Plerogyra species - Grape Bubble Coral - Grape Coral - Octobubble Coral
Medium 3" - 4"
Large 4" - 5"

Bubble Coral is a sought out member of a marine aquarium. Good to look at and easy to keep, Bubble Coral is a valid choice for a reef aquarium. The article relates few interesting aspects of Bubble Coral that affect its maintenance in a marine aquarium.
Taxonomy: Bubble Coral belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Cnidaria, Class Anthozoa, Order Scleractinia, Family Caryophylliidae and Genus Plerogyra.
Other names: The scientific name of Bubble Coral is Plerogyra species. Some specific scientific names of Bubble Coral are Plerogyra sinuosa, Plerogyra flexuosa, Plerogyra lichtensteini and Plerogyra simplex. The other common names of Bubble Coral are, Grape Bubble Coral, Bladder Coral, Octobubble Coral, Pearl Coral and Grape Coral.
Coral Type: Bubble Coral is a Large Polyp Stony (LPS) Coral.
Origin or natural range: The Plerogyra species is found in the Western Pacific region, the Indo-Pacific region, the Red Sea, Fiji and Australia.
Color: Bubble Coral occurs in brown, yellow, cream, white and green colors.
Morphology: The Plerogyra species is very hardy. The skeleton of Bubble Coral has bubble shaped polyps that are filled with water and are therefore quite delicate. These bubbles expand during the day for photosynthesis while, the tentacles of Bubble Coral expand at night. The polyps of Plerogyra species have small sweeper tentacles. The appearance of Bubble Coral may vary owing to the factors such as the intensity of light available to the coral, its surroundings, water movement in its habitat, etc.
Compatibility: Bubble Coral is aggressive against the other marine invertebrates.
Habit & Habitat: The Plerogyra species is found in vertical position in the shady regions of the marine water bodies such as lower reef slopes, cave walls and under overhangs, where the water movement is low.
Breeding: Bubble Coral breeds easily and rapidly if it gets favorable environment in your marine aquarium.
Growth environment in your marine aquarium:
- Temperature: Seventy-five to seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit.
- Specific gravity: 1.023 to 1.025.
- pH: 8.10 to 8.40.
- Illumination: Bubble Coral requires low to moderate lighting in the marine aquarium it inhabits. In case you use Metal Halide lighting for your reef tank, place Bubble Coral at the bottom of the tank or in some shady area.
- Water flow in the aquarium: Maintain low water current in your marine aquarium hosting Bubble Coral.
- Marine aquarium habit & habitat: The Plerogyra species requires a marine aquarium of the capacity of fifty Gallons and above. Keep the Bubble Coral away from the other corals in your reef tank as the Plerogyra species may sting them if the other corals come in its way.
- Feeding & Nutrition: Bubble Coral derives its nutrition mainly through Photosynthesis which is being performed by zooxanthellae, a photosynthetic alga living symbiotically within the bubbles of Bubble Coral. The Plerogyra species is also Carnivorous and filter feeds a few times per week when food lands on it. Bubble Coral eats meaty bits of silverside and raw shrimp, phytoplankton and zooplankton. Add Calcium, Strontium and trace elements in the water as dietary supplements for the Plerogyra species. Maintain the Calcium level in the water at 400 ppm.
- Bubble Coral is easy to maintain.
- Hermit Crabs may disturb the Plerogyra species therefore; avoid keeping the crab and the coral in the same marine aquarium.
- Keep Bubble Coral away from the other corals in the marine aquarium as it needs to expand itself and if the other corals come in the Bubble Coral’s way, it stings them.

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