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An Aquarium is a mini ecosystem in itself, which encloses different type of life forms within its confines. It is therefore, important that the quality of water, its hygiene level, nutrition level, etc., all are at the desired level. Aquarium Filters are one such step towards the maintenance of an aquarium. An Aquarium Filter can strain tiny pieces of metabolic wastes and other water pollutants in an Aquarium. This is called Mechanical Filtration. There also exist Biological Filters, which hold beneficial Nitrifying and Denitrifying Bacteria that help decompose harmful Nitrites & Ammonia, and many other Biological Toxic Wastes present in the tank.
Now, the soul of these filters is Aquarium Filter Media, which is the actual site of filtration in a filter. An Aquarium Filter Media helps filter out all or most of the undesirable substances present in tank water. As a result, the aquarium water is cleaned, and aerated, thereby benefiting the quality of life therein. One such effective Aquarium Filter Media is Bioballs. Bioballs are actually the base on which the Bacterial colonies thrive. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide range of quintessential and effective Bioballs. The ensuing discussion deals with some of the bestsellers.
Rainbow Lifegard by Pentair Aquatics. These Bio-Mate Bioballs provide optimal surface area for the Nitrifying Bacterial growth and the healthy aeration thereof, in an aquarium. Facilitating efficient gaseous exchange, these Bioballs facilitate the Oxygen influx, for long, without any Organic matter clogging its pores. These Bioballs are made of inert, non-leaching, and non-toxic material, suitable for both, Marine as well as Freshwater Aquariums. Bioballs are the Filter Media for Biological Filters and Gas Exchange Reactors. Rainbow Lifegard comes in 1” and 1.50” sizes and 1Bioball is required per Gallon of water.
BIO-BALE Biological Filter Medium by CPR Aquatic. This Bioball is made of FDA approved, non-toxic, inert Plastic material and has a unique surface texture with large pores and strong capillary action for high water adhesion. This humidity results in fast Bacterial Growth, even with the high flow of water. Its ergonomic design of a long strip enables large surface area with 250 Square Feet of surface area Per Cubic Foot, and 33 Square Feet per Gallon, for the filtration process to take place. As a result, Bio-Bale quickly removes toxic Ammonia from the strongly flowing aquarium water. The unique design of these Bioballs facilitates its fitting in any style and design of filter, in addition to its easy maintenance and handling. These very cost-effective Bioballs come in 1 Cubic Feet long and 1-Gallon packs.
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An Aquarium is a mini ecosystem in itself, which encloses different type of life forms within its confines. It is therefore, important that the quality of water, its hygiene level, nutrition level, etc., all are at the desired level. Aquarium Filters are one such step towards the maintenance of an aquarium. An Aquarium Filter can strain tiny pieces of metabolic wastes and other water pollutants in an Aquarium. This is called Mechanical Filtration. There also exist Biological Filters, which hold beneficial Nitrifying and Denitrifying Bacteria that help decompose harmful Nitrites & Ammonia, and many other Biological Toxic Wastes present in the tank.
Now, the soul of these filters is Aquarium Filter Media, which is the actual site of filtration in a filter. An Aquarium Filter Media helps filter out all or most of the undesirable substances present in tank water. As a result, the aquarium water is cleaned, and aerated, thereby benefiting the quality of life therein. One such effective Aquarium Filter Media is Bioballs. Bioballs are actually the base on which the Bacterial colonies thrive. Fresh Marine brings to you a wide range of quintessential and effective Bioballs. The ensuing discussion deals with some of the bestsellers.
Rainbow Lifegard by Pentair Aquatics. These Bio-Mate Bioballs provide optimal surface area for the Nitrifying Bacterial growth and the healthy aeration thereof, in an aquarium. Facilitating efficient gaseous exchange, these Bioballs facilitate the Oxygen influx, for long, without any Organic matter clogging its pores. These Bioballs are made of inert, non-leaching, and non-toxic material, suitable for both, Marine as well as Freshwater Aquariums. Bioballs are the Filter Media for Biological Filters and Gas Exchange Reactors. Rainbow Lifegard comes in 1” and 1.50” sizes and 1Bioball is required per Gallon of water.
BIO-BALE Biological Filter Medium by CPR Aquatic. This Bioball is made of FDA approved, non-toxic, inert Plastic material and has a unique surface texture with large pores and strong capillary action for high water adhesion. This humidity results in fast Bacterial Growth, even with the high flow of water. Its ergonomic design of a long strip enables large surface area with 250 Square Feet of surface area Per Cubic Foot, and 33 Square Feet per Gallon, for the filtration process to take place. As a result, Bio-Bale quickly removes toxic Ammonia from the strongly flowing aquarium water. The unique design of these Bioballs facilitates its fitting in any style and design of filter, in addition to its easy maintenance and handling. These very cost-effective Bioballs come in 1 Cubic Feet long and 1-Gallon packs.
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