Bicolor Parrotfish - Cetoscarus bicolor - Bicolor Parrot Fish

Medium 3" - 5"
Large 5" - 8"

The younger Bicolor Parrotfish (also known as Bicolour Parrotfish) is white in colour. However, there is a thin stripe of orange across the face. The dorsal as well as the caudal fins are also orange in colour.
But as it grows older, the colour of the body changes from white to blue and the orange stripes present across the face of the juveniles get replaced by spots all over the face. The fins also get coloured by additional hues.
There is one unique identification mark present on the face of this species of Parrotfish. The teeth join together and form a beak like shape. It closely resembles that of a parrot’s. Hence, the name- “Bicolor Parrotfish”.
This species is very peaceful but the care level needed in captivity is quite difficult to achieve.
However, this species is very difficult to keep inside even medium sized aquariums. This is due to its relatively larger size. Another reason being, Bicolor Parrotfish constantly grazes for food. That is why they can not be confined inside an aquarium for long in good conditions.
As far as the reproduction process goes- they are egg spawners.
Maximum Size: This species can grow up to 30 inches in length.
General Size: This species is generally 22-25 inches in length.
Minimum Tank Size Suggested: The water holding capacity of the tank must be a minimum of 300 gallons. This is due to its huge size.
Tank Conditions: The Bicolor Parrotfish should ideally be kept in temperatures between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The Ph balance of the water should also be maintained between 8.1 and 8.4 as they prefer alkaline content of the water to be high. The specific gravity should be maintained ideally between 1.020-1.025. The tank must get enough light as this species swims not in very deep water. The tank must have plenty of live coral or rock. Plants should also be there at the bottom of the tank to simulate their natural habitat.
Habitat: The Bicolor parrotfish is found at Indo-Pacific regions. Specifically, this species of parrotfish is mainly found at Red Sea, Tuamotus, which is to the north of the Izu Islands. Besides, they are also found near the southern portion of the Great Barrier Reef. This species has also its roaming ground throughout Micronesia.
Feeding and Diet: Bicolor parrotfish is omnivorous in its feeding habit. Its diet is supplemented by herbivore preparations like algae, planktons etc. The Bicolor Parrotfish generally eats algae, grown on live corals or rocks, and chews on the hard corals to eat the animals.

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